Psalms 31:24
Psalms of David in Metre 1650 (Scottish Psalter)
Be of good courage, and he strength unto your heart shall send, All ye whose hope and confidence doth on the Lord depend.
Psalms 31:24 keşfedin
Psalms 31:15
My times are wholly in thine hand: do thou deliver me From their hands that mine enemies and persecutors be.
Psalms 31:15 keşfedin
Psalms 31:19
How great's the goodness thou for them that fear thee keep'st in store, And wrought'st for them that trust in thee the sons of men before!
Psalms 31:19 keşfedin
Psalms 31:14
But as for me, O Lord, my trust upon thee I did lay; And I to thee, Thou art my God, did confidently say.
Psalms 31:14 keşfedin
Psalms 31:3
Because thou art my rock, and thee I for my fortress take; Therefore do thou me lead and guide, ev'n for thine own name's sake.
Psalms 31:3 keşfedin
Psalms 31:5
Into thine hands I do commit my sp'rit: for thou art he, O thou, JEHOVAH, God of truth, that hast redeemed me.
Psalms 31:5 keşfedin
Psalms 31:23
O love the Lord, all ye his saints; because the Lord doth guard The faithful, and he plenteously proud doers doth reward.
Psalms 31:23 keşfedin
Psalms 31:1
In thee, O Lord, I put my trust, sham'd let me never be; According to thy righteousness do thou deliver me.
Psalms 31:1 keşfedin
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