Psalms 24:1
Psalms of David in Metre 1650 (Scottish Psalter)
The earth belongs unto the Lord, and all that it contains; The world that is inhabited, and all that there remains.
Psalms 24:1 keşfedin
Psalms 24:10
But who is he that is the King of glory? who is this? The Lord of hosts, and none but he, the King of glory is.
Psalms 24:10 keşfedin
Psalms 24:3-4
Who is the man that shall ascend into the hill of God? Or who within his holy place shall have a firm abode? Whose hands are clean, whose heart is pure, and unto vanity Who hath not lifted up his soul, nor sworn deceitfully.
Psalms 24:3-4 keşfedin
Psalms 24:8
But who of glory is the King? The mighty Lord is this; Ev'n that same Lord, that great in might and strong in battle is.
Psalms 24:8 keşfedin
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