Psalms 16:11
Psalms of David in Metre 1650 (Scottish Psalter)
Thou wilt me shew the path of life: of joys there is full store Before thy face; at thy right hand are pleasures evermore.
Psalms 16:11 keşfedin
Psalms 16:8
Before me still the Lord I set: sith it is so that he Doth ever stand at my right hand, I shall not moved be.
Psalms 16:8 keşfedin
Psalms 16:5
God is of mine inheritance and cup the portion; The lot that fallen is to me thou dost maintain alone.
Psalms 16:5 keşfedin
Psalms 16:7
I bless the Lord, because he doth by counsel me conduct; And in the seasons of the night my reins do me instruct.
Psalms 16:7 keşfedin
Psalms 16:6
Unto me happily the lines in pleasant places fell; Yea, the inheritance I got in beauty doth excel.
Psalms 16:6 keşfedin
Psalms 16:1
Lord, keep me; for I trust in thee.
Psalms 16:1 keşfedin
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