San Lucas 24:49
Bible in Tzeltal de Oxchuc y Tenejapa
Soc ya calbeyex awaiyic, jo'on ya jticunbeyex tel te bila yaloj te Jtate. Jich yu'un te ja'exe, ainanic li'to ta Jerusalén, ja' to c'alal ya xjul ta awentaic te yu'el Dios te ya xtal ta toyole —xi' te Jesuse.
I-explore San Lucas 24:49
San Lucas 24:6
Ma ba li' ayix to, melel cha'cuxemix. Juluc me ta awo'tanic te bila la yalbeyex te c'alal ajoinejic to ta Galilea
I-explore San Lucas 24:6
San Lucas 24:31-32
Jich jambot te sitique soc la sna'beyic sba, ja'uc me to, ora tup' ta sitic. Jich jajch' yalbey sbaic: —Ja' cati swentail te bayal sbujts' la caiytic ta co'tantic te c'alal yac tel ta aiyej ta be soc te la xcholbotic caiytic te Sc'op Diose —xiic.
I-explore San Lucas 24:31-32
San Lucas 24:46-47
Jich la yalbey yaiyic: —Jich ts'ibubil jilel te puersa ya xc'ax swocol te Cristoe, soc te ya xcha'cux tel ta yoxebal c'aal ta bay te animaetique. Soc ja' ta swenta te ya yich' alel ta bay chajbalchajp nacionetic te ya sujt'es yo'tanic yu'un te smulique, swenta yu'un jich me ya spasbotic perdón yu'un. Tey me neel ya xjajch' ta alel ta bay Jerusalén.
I-explore San Lucas 24:46-47
San Lucas 24:2-3
Balch'unbilix loq'uel c'o staic te ton macbil a te muquenale. Ochic bael ta yutil muquenal, ja'uc me to, ma la staic tey a te sbaq'uetal te Cajwaltic Jesuse.
I-explore San Lucas 24:2-3
Mga Gabay
Mga Palabas