Job 15:1-35

Job 15:1-35 The Message (MSG)

Eliphaz of Teman spoke a second time: “If you were truly wise, would you sound so much like a windbag, belching hot air? Would you talk nonsense in the middle of a serious argument, babbling baloney? Look at you! You trivialize religion, turn spiritual conversation into empty gossip. It’s your sin that taught you to talk this way. You chose an education in fraud. Your own words have exposed your guilt. It’s nothing I’ve said—you’ve incriminated yourself! Do you think you’re the first person to have to deal with these things? Have you been around as long as the hills? Were you listening in when God planned all this? Do you think you’re the only one who knows anything? What do you know that we don’t know? What insights do you have that we’ve missed? Gray beards and white hair back us up— old folks who’ve been around a lot longer than you. Are God’s promises not enough for you, spoken so gently and tenderly? Why do you let your emotions take over, lashing out and spitting fire, Pitting your whole being against God by letting words like this come out of your mouth? Do you think it’s possible for any mere mortal to be sinless in God’s sight, for anyone born of a human mother to get it all together? Why, God can’t even trust his holy angels. He sees the flaws in the very heavens themselves, So how much less we humans, smelly and foul, who lap up evil like water? “I’ve a thing or two to tell you, so listen up! I’m letting you in on my views; It’s what wise men and women have always taught, holding nothing back from what they were taught By their parents, back in the days when they had this land all to themselves: Those who live by their own rules, not God’s, can expect nothing but trouble, and the longer they live, the worse it gets. Every little sound terrifies them. Just when they think they have it made, disaster strikes. They despair of things ever getting better— they’re on the list of people for whom things always turn out for the worst. They wander here and there, never knowing where the next meal is coming from— every day is doomsday! They live in constant terror, always with their backs up against the wall Because they insist on shaking their fists at God, defying God Almighty to his face, Always and ever at odds with God, always on the defensive. “Even if they’re the picture of health, trim and fit and youthful, They’ll end up living in a ghost town sleeping in a hovel not fit for a dog, a ramshackle shack. They’ll never get ahead, never amount to much of anything. And then death—don’t think they’ll escape that! They’ll end up shriveled weeds, brought down by a puff of God’s breath. There’s a lesson here: Whoever invests in lies, gets lies for interest, Paid in full before the due date. Some investment! They’ll be like fruit frost-killed before it ripens, like buds sheared off before they bloom. The godless are fruitless—a barren crew; a life built on bribes goes up in smoke. They have sex with sin and give birth to evil. Their lives are wombs for breeding deceit.”

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Read Job 15

Job 15:1-35 King James Version (KJV)

Then answered Eliphaz the Temanite, and said, Should a wise man utter vain knowledge, And fill his belly with the east wind? Should he reason with unprofitable talk? Or with speeches wherewith he can do no good? Yea, thou castest off fear, And restrainest prayer before God. For thy mouth uttereth thine iniquity, And thou choosest the tongue of the crafty. Thine own mouth condemneth thee, and not I: Yea, thine own lips testify against thee. Art thou the first man that was born? Or wast thou made before the hills? Hast thou heard the secret of God? And dost thou restrain wisdom to thyself? What knowest thou, that we know not? What understandest thou, which is not in us? With us are both the grayheaded and very aged men, Much elder than thy father. Are the consolations of God small with thee? Is there any secret thing with thee? Why doth thine heart carry thee away? And what do thy eyes wink at, That thou turnest thy spirit against God, And lettest such words go out of thy mouth? What is man, that he should be clean? And he which is born of a woman, that he should be righteous? Behold, he putteth no trust in his saints; Yea, the heavens are not clean in his sight. How much more abominable and filthy is man, Which drinketh iniquity like water? I will shew thee, hear me; And that which I have seen I will declare; Which wise men have told From their fathers, and have not hid it: Unto whom alone the earth was given, And no stranger passed among them. The wicked man travaileth with pain all his days, And the number of years is hidden to the oppressor. A dreadful sound is in his ears: In prosperity the destroyer shall come upon him. He believeth not that he shall return out of darkness, And he is waited for of the sword. He wandereth abroad for bread, saying, Where is it? He knoweth that the day of darkness is ready at his hand. Trouble and anguish shall make him afraid; They shall prevail against him, as a king ready to the battle. For he stretcheth out his hand against God, And strengtheneth himself against the Almighty. He runneth upon him, even on his neck, Upon the thick bosses of his bucklers: Because he covereth his face with his fatness, And maketh collops of fat on his flanks. And he dwelleth in desolate cities, And in houses which no man inhabiteth, Which are ready to become heaps. He shall not be rich, neither shall his substance continue, Neither shall he prolong the perfection thereof upon the earth. He shall not depart out of darkness; The flame shall dry up his branches, And by the breath of his mouth shall he go away. Let not him that is deceived trust in vanity: For vanity shall be his recompence. It shall be accomplished before his time, And his branch shall not be green. He shall shake off his unripe grape as the vine, And shall cast off his flower as the olive. For the congregation of hypocrites shall be desolate, And fire shall consume the tabernacles of bribery. They conceive mischief, and bring forth vanity, And their belly prepareth deceit.

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Read Job 15

Job 15:1-35 New American Standard Bible - NASB 1995 (NASB1995)

Then Eliphaz the Temanite responded, “Should a wise man answer with windy knowledge And fill himself with the east wind? Should he argue with useless talk, Or with words which are not profitable? Indeed, you do away with reverence And hinder meditation before God. For your guilt teaches your mouth, And you choose the language of the crafty. Your own mouth condemns you, and not I; And your own lips testify against you. “Were you the first man to be born, Or were you brought forth before the hills? Do you hear the secret counsel of God, And limit wisdom to yourself? What do you know that we do not know? What do you understand that we do not? Both the gray-haired and the aged are among us, Older than your father. Are the consolations of God too small for you, Even the word spoken gently with you? Why does your heart carry you away? And why do your eyes flash, That you should turn your spirit against God And allow such words to go out of your mouth? What is man, that he should be pure, Or he who is born of a woman, that he should be righteous? Behold, He puts no trust in His holy ones, And the heavens are not pure in His sight; How much less one who is detestable and corrupt, Man, who drinks iniquity like water! “I will tell you, listen to me; And what I have seen I will also declare; What wise men have told, And have not concealed from their fathers, To whom alone the land was given, And no alien passed among them. The wicked man writhes in pain all his days, And numbered are the years stored up for the ruthless. Sounds of terror are in his ears; While at peace the destroyer comes upon him. He does not believe that he will return from darkness, And he is destined for the sword. He wanders about for food, saying, ‘Where is it?’ He knows that a day of darkness is at hand. Distress and anguish terrify him, They overpower him like a king ready for the attack, Because he has stretched out his hand against God And conducts himself arrogantly against the Almighty. He rushes headlong at Him With his massive shield. For he has covered his face with his fat And made his thighs heavy with flesh. He has lived in desolate cities, In houses no one would inhabit, Which are destined to become ruins. He will not become rich, nor will his wealth endure; And his grain will not bend down to the ground. He will not escape from darkness; The flame will wither his shoots, And by the breath of His mouth he will go away. Let him not trust in emptiness, deceiving himself; For emptiness will be his reward. It will be accomplished before his time, And his palm branch will not be green. He will drop off his unripe grape like the vine, And will cast off his flower like the olive tree. For the company of the godless is barren, And fire consumes the tents of the corrupt. They conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity, And their mind prepares deception.”

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Read Job 15

Job 15:1-35 New Century Version (NCV)

Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered: “A wise person would not answer with empty words or fill his stomach with the hot east wind. He would not argue with useless words or make speeches that have no value. But you even destroy respect for God and limit the worship of him. Your sin teaches your mouth what to say; you use words to trick others. It is your own mouth, not mine, that shows you are wicked; your own lips testify against you. “You are not the first man ever born; you are not older than the hills. You did not listen in on God’s secret council. But you limit wisdom to yourself. You don’t know any more than we know. You don’t understand any more than we understand. Old people with gray hair are on our side; they are even older than your father. Is the comfort God gives you not enough for you, even when words are spoken gently to you? Has your heart carried you away from God? Why do your eyes flash with anger? Why do you speak out your anger against God? Why do these words pour out of your mouth? “How can anyone be pure? How can someone born to a woman be good? God places no trust in his holy ones, and even the heavens are not pure in his eyes. How much less pure is one who is terrible and rotten and drinks up evil as if it were water! “Listen to me, and I will tell you about it; I will tell you what I have seen. These are things wise men have told; their ancestors told them, and they have hidden nothing. (The land was given to their fathers only, and no foreigner lived among them.) The wicked suffer pain all their lives; the cruel suffer during all the years saved up for them. Terrible sounds fill their ears, and when things seem to be going well, robbers attack them. Evil people give up trying to escape from the darkness; it has been decided that they will die by the sword. They wander around and will become food for vultures. They know darkness will soon come. Worry and suffering terrify them; they overwhelm them, like a king ready to attack, because they shake their fists at God and try to get their own way against the Almighty. They stubbornly charge at God with thick, strong shields. “Although the faces of the wicked are thick with fat, and their bellies are fat with flesh, they will live in towns that are ruined, in houses where no one lives, which are crumbling into ruins. The wicked will no longer get rich, and the riches they have will not last; the things they own will no longer spread over the land. They will not escape the darkness. A flame will dry up their branches; God’s breath will carry the wicked away. The wicked should not fool themselves by trusting what is useless. If they do, they will get nothing in return. Their branches will dry up before they finish growing and will never turn green. They will be like a vine whose grapes are pulled off before they are ripe, like an olive tree that loses its blossoms. People without God can produce nothing. Fire will destroy the tents of those who take money to do evil, who plan trouble and give birth to evil, whose hearts plan ways to trick others.”

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Read Job 15

Job 15:1-35 American Standard Version (ASV)

Then answered Eliphaz the Temanite, and said, Should a wise man make answer with vain knowledge, And fill himself with the east wind? Should he reason with unprofitable talk, Or with speeches wherewith he can do no good? Yea, thou doest away with fear, And hinderest devotion before God. For thine iniquity teacheth thy mouth, And thou choosest the tongue of the crafty. Thine own mouth condemneth thee, and not I; Yea, thine own lips testify against thee. Art thou the first man that was born? Or wast thou brought forth before the hills? Hast thou heard the secret counsel of God? And dost thou limit wisdom to thyself? What knowest thou, that we know not? What understandest thou, which is not in us? With us are both the gray-headed and the very aged men, Much elder than thy father. Are the consolations of God too small for thee, Even the word that is gentle toward thee? Why doth thy heart carry thee away? And why do thine eyes flash, That against God thou turnest thy spirit, And lettest words go out of thy mouth? What is man, that he should be clean? And he that is born of a woman, that he should be righteous? Behold, he putteth no trust in his holy ones; Yea, the heavens are not clean in his sight: How much less one that is abominable and corrupt, A man that drinketh iniquity like water! I will show thee, hear thou me; And that which I have seen I will declare (Which wise men have told From their fathers, and have not hid it; Unto whom alone the land was given, And no stranger passed among them): The wicked man travaileth with pain all his days, Even the number of years that are laid up for the oppressor. A sound of terrors is in his ears; In prosperity the destroyer shall come upon him. He believeth not that he shall return out of darkness, And he is waited for of the sword. He wandereth abroad for bread, saying, Where is it? He knoweth that the day of darkness is ready at his hand. Distress and anguish make him afraid; They prevail against him, as a king ready to the battle. Because he hath stretched out his hand against God, And behaveth himself proudly against the Almighty; He runneth upon him with a stiff neck, With the thick bosses of his bucklers; Because he hath covered his face with his fatness, And gathered fat upon his loins; And he hath dwelt in desolate cities, In houses which no man inhabited, Which were ready to become heaps; He shall not be rich, neither shall his substance continue, Neither shall their possessions be extended on the earth. He shall not depart out of darkness; The flame shall dry up his branches, And by the breath of God’s mouth shall he go away. Let him not trust in vanity, deceiving himself; For vanity shall be his recompense. It shall be accomplished before his time, And his branch shall not be green. He shall shake off his unripe grape as the vine, And shall cast off his flower as the olive-tree. For the company of the godless shall be barren, And fire shall consume the tents of bribery. They conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity, And their heart prepareth deceit.

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Read Job 15

Job 15:1-35 New International Version (NIV)

Then Eliphaz the Temanite replied: “Would a wise person answer with empty notions or fill their belly with the hot east wind? Would they argue with useless words, with speeches that have no value? But you even undermine piety and hinder devotion to God. Your sin prompts your mouth; you adopt the tongue of the crafty. Your own mouth condemns you, not mine; your own lips testify against you. “Are you the first man ever born? Were you brought forth before the hills? Do you listen in on God’s council? Do you have a monopoly on wisdom? What do you know that we do not know? What insights do you have that we do not have? The gray-haired and the aged are on our side, men even older than your father. Are God’s consolations not enough for you, words spoken gently to you? Why has your heart carried you away, and why do your eyes flash, so that you vent your rage against God and pour out such words from your mouth? “What are mortals, that they could be pure, or those born of woman, that they could be righteous? If God places no trust in his holy ones, if even the heavens are not pure in his eyes, how much less mortals, who are vile and corrupt, who drink up evil like water! “Listen to me and I will explain to you; let me tell you what I have seen, what the wise have declared, hiding nothing received from their ancestors (to whom alone the land was given when no foreigners moved among them): All his days the wicked man suffers torment, the ruthless man through all the years stored up for him. Terrifying sounds fill his ears; when all seems well, marauders attack him. He despairs of escaping the realm of darkness; he is marked for the sword. He wanders about for food like a vulture; he knows the day of darkness is at hand. Distress and anguish fill him with terror; troubles overwhelm him, like a king poised to attack, because he shakes his fist at God and vaunts himself against the Almighty, defiantly charging against him with a thick, strong shield. “Though his face is covered with fat and his waist bulges with flesh, he will inhabit ruined towns and houses where no one lives, houses crumbling to rubble. He will no longer be rich and his wealth will not endure, nor will his possessions spread over the land. He will not escape the darkness; a flame will wither his shoots, and the breath of God’s mouth will carry him away. Let him not deceive himself by trusting what is worthless, for he will get nothing in return. Before his time he will wither, and his branches will not flourish. He will be like a vine stripped of its unripe grapes, like an olive tree shedding its blossoms. For the company of the godless will be barren, and fire will consume the tents of those who love bribes. They conceive trouble and give birth to evil; their womb fashions deceit.”

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Read Job 15

Job 15:1-35 New King James Version (NKJV)

Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered and said: “Should a wise man answer with empty knowledge, And fill himself with the east wind? Should he reason with unprofitable talk, Or by speeches with which he can do no good? Yes, you cast off fear, And restrain prayer before God. For your iniquity teaches your mouth, And you choose the tongue of the crafty. Your own mouth condemns you, and not I; Yes, your own lips testify against you. “Are you the first man who was born? Or were you made before the hills? Have you heard the counsel of God? Do you limit wisdom to yourself? What do you know that we do not know? What do you understand that is not in us? Both the gray-haired and the aged are among us, Much older than your father. Are the consolations of God too small for you, And the word spoken gently with you? Why does your heart carry you away, And what do your eyes wink at, That you turn your spirit against God, And let such words go out of your mouth? “What is man, that he could be pure? And he who is born of a woman, that he could be righteous? If God puts no trust in His saints, And the heavens are not pure in His sight, How much less man, who is abominable and filthy, Who drinks iniquity like water! “I will tell you, hear me; What I have seen I will declare, What wise men have told, Not hiding anything received from their fathers, To whom alone the land was given, And no alien passed among them: The wicked man writhes with pain all his days, And the number of years is hidden from the oppressor. Dreadful sounds are in his ears; In prosperity the destroyer comes upon him. He does not believe that he will return from darkness, For a sword is waiting for him. He wanders about for bread, saying, ‘Where is it?’ He knows that a day of darkness is ready at his hand. Trouble and anguish make him afraid; They overpower him, like a king ready for battle. For he stretches out his hand against God, And acts defiantly against the Almighty, Running stubbornly against Him With his strong, embossed shield. “Though he has covered his face with his fatness, And made his waist heavy with fat, He dwells in desolate cities, In houses which no one inhabits, Which are destined to become ruins. He will not be rich, Nor will his wealth continue, Nor will his possessions overspread the earth. He will not depart from darkness; The flame will dry out his branches, And by the breath of His mouth he will go away. Let him not trust in futile things, deceiving himself, For futility will be his reward. It will be accomplished before his time, And his branch will not be green. He will shake off his unripe grape like a vine, And cast off his blossom like an olive tree. For the company of hypocrites will be barren, And fire will consume the tents of bribery. They conceive trouble and bring forth futility; Their womb prepares deceit.”

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Read Job 15

Job 15:1-35 Amplified Bible (AMP)

Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered [Job] and said, “Should a wise man [such as you] utter such windy and vain knowledge [as we have just heard] And fill himself with the east wind [of withering, parching, and violent accusations]? “Should he rebuke and argue with useless talk? Or with words in which there is no benefit? “Indeed, you are doing away with fear, And you are diminishing meditation before God. “For your guilt teaches your mouth, And you choose [to speak] the language of the crafty and cunning. “Your own mouth condemns you, and not I; Yes, your own lips testify against you. ¶“Were you the first man to be born [the original wise man], Or were you created before the hills? “Do you hear the secret counsel of God, And do you limit [the possession of] wisdom to yourself? “What do you know that we do not know? What do you understand that is not equally clear to us? “Among us are both the gray-haired and the aged, Older than your father. “Are the consolations of God [as we have interpreted them to you] too trivial for you, [Or] were we too gentle toward you [in our first speech] to be effective? “Why does your heart carry you away [allowing you to be controlled by emotion]? And why do your eyes flash [in anger or contempt], That you should turn your spirit against God And let such words [as you have spoken] go out of your mouth? “What is man, that he should be pure and clean, Or he who is born of a woman, that he should be righteous and just? “Behold, God puts no trust in His holy ones (angels); Indeed, the heavens are not pure in His sight— How much less [pure and clean is] the one who is repulsive and corrupt, Man, who drinks unrighteousness and injustice like water! ¶“I will tell you, listen to me; And what I have seen I will also declare; What wise men have [freely] told, And have not hidden [anything passed on to them] from their fathers, To whom alone the land was given, And no stranger passed among them [corrupting the truth]. “The wicked man writhes with pain all his days, And numbered are the years stored up for him, the ruthless one. “A [dreadful] sound of terrors is in his ears; While at peace and in a time of prosperity the destroyer comes upon him [the tent of the robber is not at peace]. “He does not believe that he will return out of the darkness [for fear of being murdered], And he is destined for the sword [of God’s vengeance]. “He wanders about for food, saying, ‘Where is it?’ He knows that the day of darkness and destruction is already at hand. “Distress and anxiety terrify him, They overpower him like a king ready for battle. “Because he has stretched out his hand against God And behaves arrogantly against the Almighty, Running and charging headlong against Him With his ornamented and massive shield; For he has covered his face with his fat, Adding layers of fat to his thighs [giving himself up to pleasures], And he has lived in desolate [God-forsaken] cities, In houses which no one should inhabit, Which were destined to become heaps [of ruins]; He will not become rich, nor will his wealth endure; And his grain will not bend to the earth nor his possessions be extended on the earth. “He will not escape from darkness [fleeing disaster]; The flame [of God’s wrath] will wither his branch, And by the blast of His mouth he will go away. “Let him not trust in vanity (emptiness, futility) and be led astray; For emptiness will be his reward [for such living]. “It will be fulfilled while he still lives, And his branch will not be green [but shall wither away]. “He will fail to bring his grapes to maturity [leaving them to wither unnourished] on the vine, And will cast off blossoms [and fail to bring forth fruit] like the olive tree. “For the company of the godless is barren, And fire consumes the tents of bribery (wrong and injustice). “They conceive mischief and bring forth wickedness, And their inmost soul prepares deceit and fraud.”

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Read Job 15

Job 15:1-35 New Living Translation (NLT)

Then Eliphaz the Temanite replied: “A wise man wouldn’t answer with such empty talk! You are nothing but a windbag. The wise don’t engage in empty chatter. What good are such words? Have you no fear of God, no reverence for him? Your sins are telling your mouth what to say. Your words are based on clever deception. Your own mouth condemns you, not I. Your own lips testify against you. “Were you the first person ever born? Were you born before the hills were made? Were you listening at God’s secret council? Do you have a monopoly on wisdom? What do you know that we don’t? What do you understand that we do not? On our side are aged, gray-haired men much older than your father! “Is God’s comfort too little for you? Is his gentle word not enough? What has taken away your reason? What has weakened your vision, that you turn against God and say all these evil things? Can any mortal be pure? Can anyone born of a woman be just? Look, God does not even trust the angels. Even the heavens are not absolutely pure in his sight. How much less pure is a corrupt and sinful person with a thirst for wickedness! “If you will listen, I will show you. I will answer you from my own experience. And it is confirmed by the reports of wise men who have heard the same thing from their fathers— from those to whom the land was given long before any foreigners arrived. “The wicked writhe in pain throughout their lives. Years of trouble are stored up for the ruthless. The sound of terror rings in their ears, and even on good days they fear the attack of the destroyer. They dare not go out into the darkness for fear they will be murdered. They wander around, saying, ‘Where can I find bread?’ They know their day of destruction is near. That dark day terrifies them. They live in distress and anguish, like a king preparing for battle. For they shake their fists at God, defying the Almighty. Holding their strong shields, they defiantly charge against him. “These wicked people are heavy and prosperous; their waists bulge with fat. But their cities will be ruined. They will live in abandoned houses that are ready to tumble down. Their riches will not last, and their wealth will not endure. Their possessions will no longer spread across the horizon. “They will not escape the darkness. The burning sun will wither their shoots, and the breath of God will destroy them. Let them no longer fool themselves by trusting in empty riches, for emptiness will be their only reward. They will be cut down in the prime of life; their branches will never again be green. They will be like a vine whose grapes are harvested too early, like an olive tree that loses its blossoms before the fruit can form. For the godless are barren. Their homes, enriched through bribery, will burn. They conceive trouble and give birth to evil. Their womb produces deceit.”

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Read Job 15

Job 15:1-35 English Standard Version 2016 (ESV)

Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered and said: “Should a wise man answer with windy knowledge, and fill his belly with the east wind? Should he argue in unprofitable talk, or in words with which he can do no good? But you are doing away with the fear of God and hindering meditation before God. For your iniquity teaches your mouth, and you choose the tongue of the crafty. Your own mouth condemns you, and not I; your own lips testify against you. “Are you the first man who was born? Or were you brought forth before the hills? Have you listened in the council of God? And do you limit wisdom to yourself? What do you know that we do not know? What do you understand that is not clear to us? Both the gray-haired and the aged are among us, older than your father. Are the comforts of God too small for you, or the word that deals gently with you? Why does your heart carry you away, and why do your eyes flash, that you turn your spirit against God and bring such words out of your mouth? What is man, that he can be pure? Or he who is born of a woman, that he can be righteous? Behold, God puts no trust in his holy ones, and the heavens are not pure in his sight; how much less one who is abominable and corrupt, a man who drinks injustice like water! “I will show you; hear me, and what I have seen I will declare (what wise men have told, without hiding it from their fathers, to whom alone the land was given, and no stranger passed among them). The wicked man writhes in pain all his days, through all the years that are laid up for the ruthless. Dreadful sounds are in his ears; in prosperity the destroyer will come upon him. He does not believe that he will return out of darkness, and he is marked for the sword. He wanders abroad for bread, saying, ‘Where is it?’ He knows that a day of darkness is ready at his hand; distress and anguish terrify him; they prevail against him, like a king ready for battle. Because he has stretched out his hand against God and defies the Almighty, running stubbornly against him with a thickly bossed shield; because he has covered his face with his fat and gathered fat upon his waist and has lived in desolate cities, in houses that none should inhabit, which were ready to become heaps of ruins; he will not be rich, and his wealth will not endure, nor will his possessions spread over the earth; he will not depart from darkness; the flame will dry up his shoots, and by the breath of his mouth he will depart. Let him not trust in emptiness, deceiving himself, for emptiness will be his payment. It will be paid in full before his time, and his branch will not be green. He will shake off his unripe grape like the vine, and cast off his blossom like the olive tree. For the company of the godless is barren, and fire consumes the tents of bribery. They conceive trouble and give birth to evil, and their womb prepares deceit.”

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Read Job 15