Psalms 104:24-35

Psalms 104:24-35 MSG

What a wildly wonderful world, GOD! You made it all, with Wisdom at your side, made earth overflow with your wonderful creations. Oh, look—the deep, wide sea, brimming with fish past counting, sardines and sharks and salmon. Ships plow those waters, and Leviathan, your pet dragon, romps in them. All the creatures look expectantly to you to give them their meals on time. You come, and they gather around; you open your hand and they eat from it. If you turned your back, they’d die in a minute— Take back your Spirit and they die, revert to original mud; Send out your Spirit and they spring to life— the whole countryside in bloom and blossom. The glory of GOD—let it last forever! Let GOD enjoy his creation! He takes one look at earth and triggers an earthquake, points a finger at the mountains, and volcanoes erupt. Oh, let me sing to GOD all my life long, sing hymns to my God as long as I live! Oh, let my song please him; I’m so pleased to be singing to GOD. But clear the ground of sinners— no more godless men and women!

Video for Psalms 104:25-35