Jn 7:7
Jn 7:7 CSS
A eb' yic yolyib'n̈q'uinl tic eyet'oc, matz tac' tzchichn 'och eb' 'ayex. Palta an xo tic, tzchichn 'och eb' 'ayin, yujto tzin ch'oxli, to maysch'olnil sb'eyb'al eb'.
A eb' yic yolyib'n̈q'uinl tic eyet'oc, matz tac' tzchichn 'och eb' 'ayex. Palta an xo tic, tzchichn 'och eb' 'ayin, yujto tzin ch'oxli, to maysch'olnil sb'eyb'al eb'.