Jeremiah 12:1-4
Jeremiah 12:1-4 TPT
YAHWEH, whenever I complain to you, you always prove to be right. Nevertheless, hear my plea that I bring to you. Why is it that wicked people are successful? Why do scoundrels live so secure and serene? You plant them like trees that take root; they spread their branches and bear fruit. They talk like they know you, but their affections are so far from you. But as for me, YAHWEH, you know me fully. You see me, and you understand me. You have tested my feelings for you and found that I am fully devoted to you. Set them aside like sheep that are going to be killed; keep them ready for the time of their slaughter. How much longer will the land mourn? How much longer must the birds and animals perish? Even the grass of every field withers because of the wickedness of these people! For the people boast, “God doesn’t see what happens to us.”