Isaiah 62:7-12

Isaiah 62:7-12 TPT

and tirelessly give God no rest, until he firmly establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of all the earth! YAHWEH swears an oath by the authority of his right hand and by his mighty arm: “I will never again give your new grain as food for your enemies, nor will foreigners drink your new wine that you worked hard to produce. Instead, you who harvest it will eat it and offer your praise to YAHWEH, and you who gather the grapes will drink the new wine in my holy courts.” Pass through, pass through the gates, and go from old to new. Prepare a new path for the people. Build! Build up a highway for them to come to me! Remove every hindrance and unfurl a banner for the nations! See? YAHWEH has proclaimed to the ends of the earth: Tell my daughter, Zion, “Look, here comes your Deliverer! See? He’s bringing his reward, and his recompense goes before him.” They will be called His Holy People, The Redeemed of YAHWEH. And you will be known as Those Whom God Loves, A City Not Abandoned.

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