Genesis 42:29-38

Genesis 42:29-38 TPT

When they came to their father Jacob in Canaan, they told him the story of all that happened to them, saying, “The governor of Egypt spoke harshly to us and accused us of being spies. We told him, ‘We are not spies but honest men. We’re twelve brothers, sons of our father. Our youngest remained with our father in the land of Canaan, and one is no more.’ Then the man, the governor of Egypt, demanded, ‘By this test, I will discern if you are honest men: Leave one of your brothers with me, take the grain you need for your families, and be on your way. Return to me with your youngest brother, then I’ll know you are not spies, but men of integrity. Then I’ll release your brother back to you, and you’ll be free to trade in the land.’ ” As they each emptied their sacks of grain, each man found his money inside his sack! When they and their father saw their money returned to them, they were frightened. Their father Jacob said to his sons, “You have taken away my children! First, Joseph is gone, and now, Simeon! And now, you want to take Benjamin from me! Everything is against me!” Then Reuben said, “Father, you may put my two sons to death if I fail to bring Benjamin back to you! Trust me—I will bring him back!” But Jacob replied, “I can’t let my son Benjamin go with you. For his brother is dead, and of Rachel’s sons, he alone is left. If he were to meet with disaster on your journey, I would die of grief! You will send my white hair and broken heart sorrowing down to the grave!”

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