Galatians 4:8-16

Galatians 4:8-16 TPT

Before we knew God as our Father, we were unwitting servants to the powers that be, which are nothing compared to God. But now that we truly know him and are intimately known by him, why would we for a moment consider turning back to those weak and feeble principles of religion, as though we were still subject to them? Why would we want to scrupulously observe rituals like special days, celebrations of the new moon, annual festivals, and sacred years? I’m so alarmed about you that I’m beginning to wonder if my labor in ministry among you was a waste of time! Beloved ones, I plead with you, brothers and sisters, become like me, for I became like you. You did me no wrong. You are well aware that the reason I stayed among you to preach the good news was because of the poor state of my health. And yet you were so kind to me and did not despise me in my weakness, even though my physical condition put you through an ordeal while I was with you. Actually, you received me and cared for me as though I were an angel from God, as you would have cared for Jesus Christ himself! Some of you were even willing, if it were possible, to pluck out your own eyes to replace mine! Where is that kindhearted and free spirit now? Have I really become your enemy because I tell you the truth?