Acts 10:17-23

Acts 10:17-23 TPT

Peter was so stunned by the vision that he couldn’t stop wondering about what all it meant. Meanwhile, Cornelius’ men had learned where Peter was staying and at that same moment were standing outside the gate. They called out to those in the house, “Is this where Simon, the Rock, is staying?” As Peter was in deep thought, trying to interpret the vision, the Spirit said to him, “Go downstairs now, for three men are looking for you. Don’t hesitate to go with them, because I have sent them.” Peter went downstairs to the men and said, “I believe I’m the one you’re looking for. What brings you here?” They answered, “We serve Cornelius, a Roman military captain, who sent us to find you. He is a devout man of the highest integrity who worships God and is respected throughout the Jewish community. He was divinely instructed through the appearance of an angel to summon you to his home and to listen to the message that you would bring him.” Peter invited them to stay for the night as his guests. The next morning they departed, accompanied by some of the believers from Joppa.

Read Acts 10