Job 13:1-14

Job 13:1-14 AMP

[Job continued:] “Behold, my eye has seen all this, My ear has heard and understood it. “What you know I also know; I am not inferior to you. ¶“But I wish to speak to the Almighty, And I desire to argue with God. “But you smear me with lies [you defame my character most untruthfully]; You are all worthless physicians and have no remedy to offer. “Oh, that you would be completely silent, And that silence would be your wisdom! “Please hear my argument And listen to the pleadings of my lips. “Will you speak what is unjust for God, And speak what is deceitful for Him? “Will you show partiality for Him [and be unjust to me so that you may gain favor with Him]? Will you contend and plead for God? “Will it be well for you when He investigates you [and your tactics against me]? Or will you deceive Him as one deceives a man? “He will surely reprimand you If you secretly show partiality. “Will not His majesty terrify you, And will not the dread of Him fall upon you? “Your memorable sayings are [worthless, merely] proverbs of ashes; Your defenses are defenses of [crumbling] clay. ¶“Be silent before me so that I may speak; And let happen to me what may. “Why should I take my flesh in my teeth And put my life in my hands [incurring the wrath of God]?

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