Hebrews 1:5-9

Hebrews 1:5-9 AMP

For to which of the angels did the Father ever say, “YOU ARE MY SON, TODAY I HAVE BEGOTTEN (fathered) YOU [established You as a Son, with kingly dignity]”? And again [did He ever say to the angels], “I SHALL BE A FATHER TO HIM AND HE SHALL BE A SON TO ME”? [2 Sam 7:14; Ps 2:7] And when He again brings the firstborn [highest-ranking Son] into the world, He says, “AND ALL THE ANGELS OF GOD ARE TO WORSHIP HIM.” [Ps 97:7] And concerning the angels He says, “WHO MAKES HIS ANGELS WINDS, AND HIS MINISTERING SERVANTS FLAMES OF FIRE [to do His bidding].” [Ps 104:4] But about the Son [the Father says to Him], “YOUR THRONE, O GOD, IS FOREVER AND EVER, AND THE SCEPTER OF [absolute] RIGHTEOUSNESS IS THE SCEPTER OF HIS KINGDOM. “YOU HAVE LOVED RIGHTEOUSNESS [integrity, virtue, uprightness in purpose] AND HAVE HATED LAWLESSNESS [injustice, sin]. THEREFORE GOD, YOUR GOD, HAS ANOINTED YOU WITH THE OIL OF GLADNESS ABOVE YOUR COMPANIONS.” [Ps 45:6, 7]

Read Hebrews 1