Luke 9:49-55

Luke 9:49-55 NCV

John answered, “Master, we saw someone using your name to force demons out of people. We told him to stop, because he does not belong to our group.” But Jesus said to him, “Don’t stop him, because whoever is not against you is for you.” When the time was coming near for Jesus to depart, he was determined to go to Jerusalem. He sent some messengers ahead of him, who went into a town in Samaria to make everything ready for him. But the people there would not welcome him, because he was set on going to Jerusalem. When James and John, followers of Jesus, saw this, they said, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven and destroy those people?” But Jesus turned and scolded them. [And Jesus said, “You don’t know what kind of spirit you belong to.

Read Luke 9

Video for Luke 9:49-55