Leviticus 26:23-33

Leviticus 26:23-33 NCV

“ ‘If you don’t learn your lesson after all these things, and if you still turn against me, I will also turn against you. I will punish you seven more times for your sins. You broke my agreement, and I will punish you. I will bring armies against you, and if you go into your cities for safety, I will cause diseases to spread among you so that your enemy will defeat you. There will be very little bread to eat; ten women will be able to cook all your bread in one oven. They will measure each piece of bread, and you will eat, but you will still be hungry. “ ‘If you still refuse to listen to me and still turn against me, I will show my great anger; I will punish you seven more times for your sins. You will eat the bodies of your sons and daughters. I will destroy your places where gods are worshiped and cut down your incense altars. I will pile your dead bodies on the lifeless forms of your idols. I will hate you. I will destroy your cities and make your holy places empty, and I will not smell the pleasing smell of your offerings. I will make the land empty so that your enemies who come to live in it will be shocked at it. I will scatter you among the nations, and I will pull out my sword and destroy you. Your land will become empty, your cities a waste.

Read Leviticus 26