Exodus 35:4-19

Exodus 35:4-19 NCV

Moses said to all the Israelites, “This is what the LORD has commanded: From what you have, take an offering for the LORD. Let everyone who is willing bring this offering to the LORD: gold, silver, bronze, blue, purple and red thread, and fine linen, goat hair and male sheepskins that are colored red. They may also bring fine leather, acacia wood, olive oil for the lamps, spices for the special olive oil used for appointing priests and for the sweet-smelling incense, onyx stones, and other jewels to be put on the holy vest and chest covering of the priests. “Let all the skilled workers come and make everything the LORD commanded: the Holy Tent, its outer tent and its covering, the hooks, frames, crossbars, posts, and bases; the Ark of the Agreement, its poles, lid, and the curtain in front of it; the table, and its poles, all the things that go with the table, and the bread that shows we are in God’s presence; the lampstand for the light and all the things that go with it, the lamps, and olive oil for the light; the altar of incense and its poles, the special oil and the sweet-smelling incense, the curtain for the entrance of the Meeting Tent; the altar of burnt offering and its bronze screen, its poles and all its tools, the bronze bowl and its base; the curtains around the courtyard, their posts and bases, and the curtain at the entry to the courtyard; the pegs of the Holy Tent and of the courtyard and their ropes; the special clothes that the priest will wear in the Holy Place. These are the holy clothes for Aaron the priest and his sons to wear when they serve as priests.”

Read Exodus 35