Mattha 19:26
Tha Fower Gospels ïn Ulstèr-Scots 2021
Jesus lukt strecht at thaim an saed, “Wi man thïs ïs no poassible, but wi God aa thïngs ir poassible.”
Explore Mattha 19:26
Mattha 19:6
An noo the' ir nae mair twa seprit fowk, but the' ir yin. Sae whut God haes püt thegither, let nae man püll sinnerie.”
Explore Mattha 19:6
Mattha 19:4-5
“Hae ye no read,” Jesus answert, “that richt frae tha stairt tha Creator ‘made men an he made weemen,’ an that he saed, ‘Fer thïs raison a man wull lea hïs faither an hïs mither an be joint tae hïs wife, an tha twa wull becum as yin’?
Explore Mattha 19:4-5
Mattha 19:14
but Jesus saed, “Alloo tha weans cum tae me, an dïnnae houl thaim bak, fer tha Kïngdom o Heiven belangs tae tha laiks o thaim.”
Explore Mattha 19:14
Mattha 19:30
But monies a bodie that's foremaist noo wull be last then, an monie that's last noo wull be foremaist then.”
Explore Mattha 19:30
Mattha 19:29
An iverie yin that haes gien up hooses, or brithers, or sïstèrs, or faither, or mither, or [wife, or] childèr, or fairm o lan on accoont o me wull git bak a hunnèr times as much; an he wull inherit iverlastin life.
Explore Mattha 19:29
Mattha 19:21
Jesus saed bak tae hïm, “If ye hae a mine tae be perfait, awa an sell aa ye hae got, an gie ït awa tae tha puir, an ye'll hae walth ïn heiven. Then cum bak, an follae me.”
Explore Mattha 19:21
Mattha 19:17
“Whut dae ye main bi ‘guid’?” Jesus saed. “Thair ïs Yin alane that ïs guid. If ït's iverlastin life ye'r wantin, dae whut tha commauns bïds ye!”
Explore Mattha 19:17
Mattha 19:24
Ay, A'm tellin ye, ït wud be aisier fer a kemel tae gae throu tha ee o a needle ner fer a monied man tae git ïntae tha Kïngdom o God.”
Explore Mattha 19:24
Mattha 19:9
A tell ye that oniebodie that pits awa hïs wife, fer ocht ither ner rinnin aff wi anither man, an then merries anither wumman - that man commïts adultèrie.”
Explore Mattha 19:9
Mattha 19:23
Then Jesus saed tae hïs follaers, “A tell ye tha truith, ït ïs haird fer a bodie that's weel-aff tae git ïntae tha Kïngdom o Heiven.
Explore Mattha 19:23
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