Mattha 13:23
Tha Fower Gospels ïn Ulstèr-Scots 2021
But tha seed that faad doon on guid grun ïs laik tha bodie that taks tha wurd tae hairt an unnèrstans ït, brïngin ïn a yiel o thurtie, sïxtie or a hunnèr times mair ner wus sowed.”
Explore Mattha 13:23
Mattha 13:22
Then tha seed that faad doon amang tha thoarns, that's laik a bodie that hears tha message, but wi hïm chasin eftèr money, an tha bothers o thïs warl, tha message gets chokt an ït aa cums tae naethin.
Explore Mattha 13:22
Mattha 13:19
Whan oniebodie hears tha message aboot tha Kïngdom an daesnae unnèrstan ït, alang cums tha Wïckit Yin an snaps awa whut wus sowed ïn hïs hairt. Thïs ïs whut tha seed sowed nixt tha pad stans fer.
Explore Mattha 13:19
Mattha 13:20-21
An then tha seed that faad on roakie grun stans fer tha bodie that hears tha message, an taks ït ïn richt awa wi a gled hairt. But seein as he haes nae ruits, ït onlie houls wi hïm fer a wee while. Whan haird times an trouble cums acause o God's wurd, he jist gies up thair an then.
Explore Mattha 13:20-21
Mattha 13:44
Tha Kïngdom o Heiven ïs laik treysure hïd ïn a fiel. Thair wus thïs man fun ït, an he went an hïd ït agane; an he wus that plaised aboot ït, he went an soul aa he haed an he bocht tha fiel.
Explore Mattha 13:44
Mattha 13:8
Yit ither seed faad on guid grun, whar ït brocht a hairst o a hunnèr, sïxtie or thurtie times whut wus sowed.
Explore Mattha 13:8
Mattha 13:30
Let thaim baith growe thegither tae tha hairvest. An then A'll tell tha reapers: Gether up tha weeds furst an tye thaim up ïn bunnels fer burnin; then awa an gether up tha wheat an brïng ït ïntae ma barn.’ ”
Explore Mattha 13:30
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