Jhone 8:12
Tha Fower Gospels ïn Ulstèr-Scots 2021
Whaniver Jesus taakt agane wi tha fowk, he toul thaim, “A be tha licht o tha warl. Whaiver follaes me wull no waak ïn tha dairk onie mair, but the' wull hae tha licht o life.”
Explore Jhone 8:12
Jhone 8:32
Yis wull ken tha truith, an tha truith wull mak ye free.”
Explore Jhone 8:32
Jhone 8:31
Tae tha Jews at haed lippened on hïm, Jesus saed, “If yis houl tae whut A hae tocht ye, ye'r ma follaers aa richt.
Explore Jhone 8:31
Jhone 8:36
Sae ïf tha Sinn maks ye free, then ye'll be free fer shair!
Explore Jhone 8:36
Jhone 8:7
Whan the' kep on at hïm, he stud up strecht an toul thaim, “Whaiver yin o yis haes niver sïnned, weel, let hïm clod tha furst stane at hir!”
Explore Jhone 8:7
Jhone 8:34
Jesus gie thaim thïs answer: “Noo here's tha truith o ït. Iveriebodie that daes wrang ïs a slave tae wrang. Sïn ïs hïs maistèr.
Explore Jhone 8:34
Jhone 8:10-11
He stud up [an seein naebodie bar tha wumman] he saed tae hir, “Sae whar ir the' aa? Haes nane o thaim condemned ye?” “Naebodie, Loard,” qo she. “Weel, nether dae A condemn ye,” saed Jesus. “Awa ye gang an sïn nae mair!”
Explore Jhone 8:10-11
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