Нақшаҳои хониши ройгон ва садоқатҳои марбут ба Romans 3:25

Greek Myths And Roman Roads - A Study On Worship
2 Days
Worship is a weekend activity for most believers but as we walk through scripture we'll discover that worship was designed to be so much more than a weekend experience. Imagine what our world would look like if we were to live out a life of worship rather than only singing about it over weekends.

Grace–Simple. Profound. Grace and the Gospel
3 Days
This plan will take you through the beautiful topic of grace alone. We read through Romans 3:21–28 where Paul writes this letter to help us understand grace better and practice grace with others. This plan simplifies the topic of grace, explaining that it’s not by works; it’s not earned, but is the most incredible and expensive gift we have been offered.

How Should Christians Deal With Sin and Guilt?
3 Days
The New Testament continues to explain the Gospel to people who already received it because, as humans, we have a hard time remembering what God has done to save us. We have peace with God the Judge because Christ took our condemnation upon Himself. Yet God the Father still disciplines His children. As a Christian, how do I deal with a guilty conscience? I confess and repent of my sins.

Not Good Enough: A Study of God's Love for Us
3 Days
Have you ever felt like you were not good enough to deserve the love of God? What if I told you that was a great place to be? In this three-day study, you'll find out more about the God who loves people like us who can never be good enough.

God's Forgiveness: Just and Merciful
3 Days
People commit unspeakable acts of evil. Inexcusable wrongs leave scars that may never heal in this lifetime. How can a perfect God forgive evil? How can we forgive others without accepting the unacceptable? In this three-day devotional, Andrew Palau will guide you on a Biblical exploration of what God's forgiveness really means. Rediscover the God that is just AND merciful.

Lift Your Head Up
3 Days
Finding ourselves in a situation where we feel trapped, with no apparent way out, is challenging. Perhaps you’ve experienced a time when you said, “There’s just no possible way out of here.” But God, in His unwavering faithfulness, is always there to rescue us. He lifts our heads from despair, enabling us to shift our focus to His glorious presence.

We're All in Recovery
4 Days
We are usually impressed by inspirational stories of dramatic, overnight transformation, but living as a disciple of Jesus is a long game. We are all broken people. No one has arrived. We’re all in recovery! This four-day study will help you break the sin-repent cycle so you can truly experience the transformation God has promised us through salvation.

Think Like a Roman
4 Days
What do you think about sin? About salvation? About your life in Christ? In this devotional, Think Like a Roman, we are renewing our minds through the book of Romans. What we believe is essential to the way we live, to our growth, our walk with Christ, and our future in Christ. Our thoughts determine our beliefs, our beliefs determine our actions. Over the next four days, join us as we dive into our understanding of doctrine relating to sin, salvation, and freedom in Christ.

Kids Bible Experience | Where You Go, I Go
4 Days
Does anyone reading this have someone who will always go the extra mile for you? Maybe it's your best friend, a family member, or neighbor. No matter what, this person is LOYAL to you, and you're thankful to have them in your life! Join us as we journey through the life of Ruth. She is known for living a life of loyalty, and God blesses her tremendously in return!

The Way
4 Days
Explore what Jesus meant when He said... "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life," and consider how these truths will impact your daily life & evangelistic witness.

Maximum Joy
5 Days
All of us desire to be in a relationship. It is the way we were created. People need people. Some more than others. As believers in Jesus Christ, we are in a relationship with the Lord. However, the ultimate goal is not only to be in relationship with the Lord but to experience fellowship with Him as well. In this plan, we’re going to focus on the writings of the first epistle of John to explore the difference between relationship and fellowship. In doing so, we will learn to live with Maximum Joy .

God's Grace
5 Days
Never underestimate the value of a gift. When we receive something of worth that we didn’t pay for, it is both humbling and exhilarating. The truth is that when we receive the grace of God—either our salvation, His protection and wisdom, or the heavenly rewards yet to come, we ought to be thankful beyond measure. Read what Tony Evans has to say about the magnificent grace of God

How The Gospel Meets Our Greatest Needs
5 Days
This study will look at how the Gospel of Jesus Christ meets our greatest needs.

Psalms 103
5 Days
If there would be a psalm that you could call your life psalm—the foundation of your life—it could be Psalm 103. It teaches us how to handle life in general. It gives us the key to deal with every circumstance no matter what it may be. And if that is not enough, it gives us a glimpse of the extent the work of Christ will have over humanity.

More God. Less Guilt.
5 Days
What if your mistakes don't shock or surprise God? What if God knows all of your flaws and still wants you in Heaven? What if instead of perfection, what God needs from you is permission to come into your life? Is the Good News really that good? Yes, it is! Discover that the Good News may be better than you think and that guilt was never part of God's plan.

Reckless Love
5 Days
In this five-day devotional, songwriter Cory Asbury dives deep into the heart of his song “Reckless Love.”

The Five Solas
5 Days
In this 5 day reading plan, you will read passages and a devotional for each of the five solas of the reformation. The Five Solas of the protestant reformation are Scripture alone, Christ alone, Grace alone, Faith alone and for God's glory alone. Enjoy reading God's word and cherish the gift of salvation through Christ Jesus.

Be Revived
5 Days
Be healed from sin and bondage. But even more, be revived. Katie Souza delves into Scripture to uncover the true meaning of living by grace.

Hope During A Global Pandemic
5 Days
These are unprecedented times for those of us who are alive on planet earth at this moment. Historically, we can find hope if we turn to the One who made it all and is Lord of all. What does the Bible say about why these things happen, what is God’s response to it, and what is my hope in life and death?

Be Free From Pornography
5 Days
God wants to set you free from pornography addiction. When I was addicted to pornography, and at the lowest point in my life, Jesus showed me the true power of what He did on the cross. His grace and love set me free. Be encouraged by my story, and find freedom from pornography today.

Until Unity
5 Days
New York Times best-selling author, Francis Chan, shows readers that the real problem is shallow or even non-existent love for each other. Do we truly understand the gospel? Do we believe in the miracle of the Holy Spirit in us? As believers, Christians are supposed to yield the fruit of supernatural love for one another. Instead, we allow jealousy and selfish ambition to prevail.

Tough Questions With Pastor Mike: Round 6
5 Days
Do you have spiritual questions that you'd love answers for? Questions regarding faith, religion, God, or the Bible? Watch this video series to get some answers, but be prepared to dig into God's Word too!

In the Grip of Grace
5 Days
This reading plan includes five daily devotions based on Max Lucado’s video study Romans: In the Grip of Grace from the 40 Days Through the Book series. This study will explore how Paul’s writing to the church in Rome outlines the core beliefs of the Christian faith and how Jesus’ people are to think and live in the grip of God’s amazing grace.

5 Gifts Jesus Secured on the Cross by David Mathis
5 Days
Christians of all stripes affirm that there is indeed power in the blood of Jesus. But have you ever paused to ask how? Is it magic blood? How do we explain this power? This 5-Day Plan will look at 5 unique gifts Jesus secured for Christians when he gave his life for us on the cross.

The Best News Ever: You’re the Worst Person in the World
5 Days
This reading plan from Scarlet Hiltibidal is an invitation to give up your striving, to accept that you are the worst, to embrace that you are poor in spirit, and to receive the perfect love from the very best: Jesus. God’s offering to us—the broken, the hopeless, the try-hards, and the imperfect—leads us to humility, repentance, and dependence on Jesus as our Savior. That’s where we find freedom and joy.