Нақшаҳои хониши ройгон ва садоқатҳои марбут ба Romans 1:22

God's Pleasure in Creation: Devotions With John Piper
3 Days
God created all that is. He rejoices in his works and wants us to be stunned by them, but not for their sake. In this 3-day devotional, John Piper explains how creation points us beyond itself to God.

Truth Defined: What is Truth?
3 Days
Do you feel like the truth is ever-changing? Do you often find yourself anxious about knowing what is true and what isn’t? It doesn’t have to be that way! Truth is unchangeable. Truth is always true despite how one feels about it; even if no one believes the truth, it remains true. Get into God’s Word with this three-day devotionals on Truth from Feed. Part 1 of 4.

Bury Your Ordinary Habit Four
3 Days
Jesus made big promises to those who follow him: perfect peace, abiding joy, and supernatural power, but these promises often feel disconnected from our experience. How do we actually take ground in our spiritual growth? Pastor Justin Kendrick has written the book Bury Your Ordinary to teach seven spiritual habits that lead to explosive growth and how to develop them in your life. Dive into the fourth habit: Righteousness.

Creativity That Aims for Eternity
3 Days
Christopher Wren, the mastermind architect behind St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, said that “Architecture should aim for eternity.” Our creative efforts, whatever they may be, should reflect the glory of our Creator, and point the hearts and minds of others towards eternity. This is a high calling for creatives. In this short series, we’ll look at the frustration, framework, and fulfillment that comes when we point our art ever upwards.

What the Bible Says About God as the Inventor
3 Days
Get to know God as your inventor in Streetlights' 3-part Video Bible Study, based on the Book of Romans.

Becoming an Embedded Influencer
3 Days
You are always in the process of becoming. Who you are becoming may be more or less who you really want to be. As a follower of Jesus Christ, you are meant to become more like Him. One day, one decision, and one action at a time. The Becoming reading plans will look at four facets of discipleship, moving you closer to a life that looks like Jesus.

Knock Yourself Out
3 Days
Is there a time when God stops pursuing us? The scary answer is yes. God is merciful and He gives us chance after chance. But our chances are not infinite. Eventually time runs out. This devotional will explore what it looks like when a hardened heart refuses God’s welcome so many times that He stops asking.

Think Like a Roman
4 Days
What do you think about sin? About salvation? About your life in Christ? In this devotional, Think Like a Roman, we are renewing our minds through the book of Romans. What we believe is essential to the way we live, to our growth, our walk with Christ, and our future in Christ. Our thoughts determine our beliefs, our beliefs determine our actions. Over the next four days, join us as we dive into our understanding of doctrine relating to sin, salvation, and freedom in Christ.

Thirst: Is There More?
5 Days
Is your relationship with the Lord in a dry place? This plan from Thistlebend Ministries will help you renew your focus on the source of true love and abundant life and unlimited refreshment!

Living In The Light: Money, Sex And Power
5 Days
Money, sex, power. Three dangers ready to destroy our souls; three beautiful opportunities for worship and love. Everyone struggles with money, sex, and power—now it’s time to really get to the heart of the matter. In this plan John Piper will help you think through these three crucial areas, see them in the light of the gospel and free you to truly enjoy them for the glory of God.

UNCOMMEN: Deeper & Darker
5 Days
Sin is intertwined in our daily lives. It’s deeper and darker than we fully realize, but we don’t have to hide behind our shame. Jesus Christ has died on the cross and risen again so that we can find our true selves in a sinful world. Uncommen men learn to cry out for the courage to reveal themselves and receive healing and forgiveness.

Inside The Atheist Mind: 5-Day Devotional
5 Days
A witty and devastating takedown of the "new" atheist position, Inside the Atheist Mind debunks the theories of Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, and others, revealing how inconsistent, illogical, and frankly ludicrous their conclusions truly are. Poking fun at atheists in a clever and intelligent way, Anthony DeStefano demonstrates just how full of holes the new atheism is and reveals that it is actually a "religion" of its own, complete with a creed, a set of commandments, a rigid moral code, and rewards and punishments. More than that, DeStefano exposes that atheism is itself a "superstition" of the worst kind.

Sola - A 5-Day Devotional through Five Solas of the Reformation
5 Days
They're just a handful of Latin words, yet somehow they carry massive implications for each of us and our churches. When we live in light of them, we experience a more fulfilled and fruitful Christian life. Read this five day devotional to discover how the five "Solas" of the Reformation continue to reform the Church.

Sacred Holidays: A Devotional Leading Up To Lent and Easter
5 Days
In this 5-Day Plan centered around the Lent and Easter season, learn how to ask God honest questions while following Jesus.

More Than
5 Days
We were created to worship. But, what do we mean when we talk about worship? In this plan, we’ll talk about what worship is, why we worship, and how.

Pray For the World: Sub-Saharan Africa
5 Days
In Sub-Saharan Africa there is a growing Christian population. But in the sprawling cities, barren deserts, rain forests, and tropical islands nearly sixteen thousand people groups live with little access to the gospel. Partner with us to share the good news of Jesus Christ with them. In this reading plan, learn more about the people of Sub-Saharan Africa, who are loved by God, and pray Scripture over them.

Hope During A Global Pandemic
5 Days
These are unprecedented times for those of us who are alive on planet earth at this moment. Historically, we can find hope if we turn to the One who made it all and is Lord of all. What does the Bible say about why these things happen, what is God’s response to it, and what is my hope in life and death?

Beautiful Resistance
5 Days
Manhattan pastor Jon Tyson says, “All great revivals have taken place in times of decline. Resurrection is found among the dead. I want to call you to resist compromise when your friends tell you your faith is too intense, your devotion unnecessary, your life together too much.” In this devotional Tyson contrasts five things that make for brokenness with five things that make for beauty.

Grace: Born That Way
5 Days
Some try to redefine it. Some spend their entire lives looking for it. We all have a specific identity and purpose. If you don't know who you are, you will never know what to do. This plan initiates a conversation with our Creator in Genesis. Through Him, you will discover your true identity and purpose.

Elijah: Faith and Fire
5 Days
Blinded by the remarkable narratives of our biblical heroes, we can forget they each had a backstory—months and years of development, even difficulty, which fortified their spiritual muscle and prepared them for the tasks that made their lives unforgettable. Join Priscilla Shirer on this 5-day journey through the life and times of Elijah to discover how the emboldened, fiery faith you desire is being fashioned by God in your life.

Tough Questions With Pastor Mike: Round 5
5 Days
Do you have spiritual questions that you'd love answers for? Questions regarding faith, religion, God, or the Bible? Watch this video series to get some answers, but be prepared to dig into God's Word too!

A Journey of Life and Leadership: A 5-Day Reading Plan by Jeremy Norton
5 Days
In his new book, Northern Roads, pastor and author Jeremy Norton unpacks his journey of life and leadership, serving in Alaska and the Yukon Territory. Have you ever wondered if God is leading you in some specific way? Is His distinct guidance being given through an extraordinary process? Is He coordinating certain events to achieve some greater plan that has yet to be revealed?

I Believe in God, but I Trust in Science, Not the Supernatural
5 Days
Gallup poll researchers recently asked Americans, “Do you believe in God?” and 87% of the people said yes. But if we are honest, most of us have issues when it comes to faith. We would love for you to join us as we explore some common thoughts about Christianity and science being mutually exclusive.

Frames - Your Perspective Is Everything!
5 Days
Your perspective is everything! The way you see life can create a crisis or create opportunities. Every day people miss out on greatness because they put the wrong frames on. This reading plan will help you flip your frames from pessimistic to optimistic. Frames will give you a new perspective to help you see clearer and have a new vision for your life. Change your frames and change the game!