Нақшаҳои хониши ройгон ва садоқатҳои марбут ба Psalm 119:18

The One Hour Prayer Cycle
3 Days
Jesus asked is disciples in the garden why they couldn't stay awake and pray for one hour. For most of us the thought of praying for an hour seems too far out of our reach, but what if there was a simple way to spend an hour in prayer talking with Jesus. Paul instructs us to be devoted to prayer. Try this reading plan and pray for an hour.

Shine Your Light in Darkness
3 Days
In this inspiring and life-changing three-day devotional, you will learn the truth that your ultimate turnaround is on its way as you shine the light of God’s Word in the midst of darkness. Your path is getting brighter and brighter, day by day!

Doing or Being
3 Days
In a world obsessed with busyness, are you finding the balance in who God created you to BE? Are you a human doing or a human BEing? God calls us to BE still in Him. Find out how God invites us to defy the pace of this world.

Overwhelmed, Praise God in the Middle of the Storm
3 Days
Overwhelm can easily occur at work as many of us are being asked to do more with less. When a team member resigns, moves to another team, or gets fired, the work falls to you – culminating in a storm. In this 3-day devotion, learn how to praise God in the middle of your work storms.

3 Steps To Growing In The Word
4 Days
Tony Evans shows you three helpful steps to grow in your understanding and application of God's powerful word. Discover the wonder of the Word!

Study, Obey, Teach - Ezra 7:10
4 Days
How do you study the Bible? How do you apply the Word of God to your life? How do you inspire others to do the same? Over the next four days, we will take a look at Ezra the scribe whose dedication to study, obey, and teach the Revelation of God ignited revival in Jerusalem.

Freedom From Guilt
4 Days
Do you ever feel trapped by your mistakes? We can become so used to stuffing guilt and hiding shame that our mistakes soon define us. When you feel like you can’t outrun your past, you need to know there’s a God who understands and longs to release you from your personal prison. In this plan, you will learn how to escape guilt and find freedom from shame.

Cultivate a Heart of Righteousness!
4 Days
Do you want to grow in Christ? Ultimately, God is the one who cultivates our hearts. He alone is the giver of life and growth. However, we have an essential role in the process. God, the Gardener of our Soul, calls us to partner with Him. This four-step plan will encourage you in your pursuit of holiness. Enjoy a new season of growth!

Seek the Lord and Find Him
5 Days
Is the Lord your greatest passion? Do you desire to know Him more? This five-day reading plan by Thistlebend Ministries will guide you to a more intimate relationship with the Lord.

Scripture Retreat With Elizabeth George
5 Days
Elizabeth George begins every day with Scripture. Enrich your days with both God's Word and a small shot of wisdom from Elizabeth's years of study to start or recommit yourself on the same path.

Tony Evans Teaches On Bibliology
5 Days
In a football game, there is a third team on the field—a team of officials who get their authority by executing the rulebook. Just as the authority in a football game rests in the rule book the officials use, authority in God’s kingdom rests in His rule book, the Bible. In this five-day reading plan, Dr. Tony Evans will introduce you to bibliology: the study of the Bible.

Flourish In The Word
5 days
FLOURISH is an invitation to position ourselves at the feet of Jesus. There’s simply no substitute for being rooted in the Word of God and the transforming power it has in our lives. We invite you to join us for this five-day reading plan with hands open & heart surrendered to receive all Jesus has for us. Chains will be broken, freedom experienced, and we believe you will FLOURISH!

Acres of Diamonds: God's Best—Right Where You Are!
5 Days
Are you in a season of life where nothing is working? You thought God put you in a place to thrive and grow, but everything keeps coming up empty? Don’t quit! Pastor Jentezen Franklin helps you discover how you can gain the most out of where you are. Even in the midst of trials, you can celebrate opportunities for growth and success in your family, job, ministry, and community.

Hope From Israel: The Power of God's Word
5 Days
This video plan was shot while Pastor Mike Novotny was in Israel. With famous sites from Jesus' life in the background, Pastor Mike reminds us just how powerful God's Word is in our lives.

The Bible for All: How to Pray for Bible Translation
5 Days
In what ways has the Bible changed your life? When life hits us hard, we find direction and solace in Scripture. But what if the Bible was not in your language? That’s the reality for 1 billion people today. Join this 5-day plan where you can partner your Scripture reading with simple and effective ways to pray for people without the Bible.

5 Day Porn Free Video Plan
5 Days
Shame doesn’t have to be your forever story! This 5-Day Porn Free Video Plan will empower you to walk towards freedom from pornography. You will meet four different men, just like you, who share their testimonies of brokenness to restoration. You can have this story too. This content is taken from our Proven Men Study, which has seen 5,000+ men set free.

5 Days
"Anchored" is a 5-day journey into the transformative power of the Holy Spirit of God through Scripture. Each day, explore how to deepen your relationship with Christ, strengthen community bonds, and engage with the Word in a life-changing way. Be inspired, challenged, and anchored in your faith, ready to reflect Christ's character in every aspect of your life.

Sweeter Than Honey: Enjoying God in His Word
5 Days
Our lives feel stuffed to the brink. We struggle to spend time in God’s Word, or when we do, we don’t know where to start. In this five-day devotional, you will discover the sweetness of studying the Bible and learn how to apply it to your life. As you cultivate both discipline and delight in Scripture, you’ll experience the transformative work of building a deeper relationship with God through his Word.

Spiritual Blindness
5 Days
Jesus warned, “If the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is” (Matthew 6:23). Spiritual blindness is, indeed, a deceptive condition. It causes many learned, “enlightened” people to believe they see the truth clearly when, in fact, they are incapable of it. Nevertheless, there is hope—and His name is Jesus. In this five-day devotional, we’ll discover what Scripture teaches about spiritual blindness, why it happens, and how Jesus alone can open our eyes.

Room for Good Things to Run Wild by Josh Nadeau
5 Days
Each of us is invited to join in God’s Sacred Sound, His Hidden Music. We could choose to dance to our own melody, but we know that won’t lead to Life. Over these five days, I pray you will listen to where Jesus might be leading you, all the ways He wants to heal you and transform you, and how he will make His Kingdom known through your life.

Honeycomb Crunch: A Sweeter Word
6 Days
God’s Word has power, authority and a sweetness to it that calls out for “more”. Take these 6- days in the word, enjoying moments of reflection from the Psalms and scriptures, answering questions and challenges that call to reset the sweetness of his message and truth in your life.

Five Ways to Overcome Dead End Thinking
6 Days
When we make choices and follow paths that lead nowhere, we get stuck in dead-end thinking. If our businesses are going to grow and if we're going to flourish in life, we must be dependent on God to shape our thinking and our behavior. This 6-day plan will challenge you to let God change the way you think about your mindset, blind spots, and independence.

The ABC's of a Faithful Life
6 Days
If we are sincere in our study of God’s holy Scriptures, God will enlighten our minds with his truth. When God reveals his truth to us, we gain a deeper love for Him and a greater understanding of his ways. Shouldn’t everyone want to be familiar with its teaching and its message? Let’s explore Psalm 119 together and discover why.

40 Days To Lasting Change By Kyle Idleman
7 Days
Drawing on the example of the Prodigal Son, Kyle Idleman shows readers the three elements that are always a part of lasting spiritual transformation and gives practical tools to live them out.

The Bible: Explained
7 Days
The Bible is one of the most influential books of all time, but it can seem overwhelming to know how to understand it and what to do with it. This 7-day Bible study will help break down what the Bible is, why it matters, and how you can understand it today. We’ll also discover how you can put God’s Word in action in His world.