Нақшаҳои хониши ройгон ва садоқатҳои марбут ба Psalm 119:105

Resolving Tension
3 Days
Have you ever noticed when listening to jazz that certain chords feel peaceful, while others feel out of balance? In musical theory, these feelings are associated with tension and resolve. Understanding tension and resolve are essential to music and life. These guided audio meditations will help you better understand the cycles of tension and resolve in your life and even your walk with God.

Finding Your Divine Purpose
3 Days
How do you answer the question, “What do you do?” Is it what you do for a living or what occupies most of your time? The theme of these guided audio meditations is about your divine purpose. Day 1 will help you discover your purpose. Day 2 will help you find peace in your purpose. And Day 3 is about trusting in the purpose God has given you.

Seeking After God
3 Days
The writer C.S. Lewis once wrote that "all find what they truly seek.” These guided audio meditations will help you discover what you most long for and how to find it. Your first meditation is about revealing the guiding light you will need. Your second meditation will uncover what you need for nourishment to satisfy your spiritual hunger. And finally a reflection on turning from yourself towards Christ.

Reading The Bible 101
3 Days
Bible engagement is vital to our lives as believers but many times we don't know where to begin. This plan will encourage you and offer steps on how to begin to read the Word of God. It will teach you that Bible reading is a lifetime and joyful pursuit. Never-ending and ongoing.

The Counsel Of The Lord Shall Stand.
3 days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this powerful heart transforming devotional. Let God examine the ground of your heart. Choose to submit to His Word and Counsel. Only God can intimately understand, weigh and judge the heart of man. Only His Word can sift through the intentions and motives of the heart. Let go of the past and let God heal you. Let His Word every aspect of your heart.

I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes.
3 days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this life-transforming devotional. Let God lead your heart as your read this timely message. When chaos surrounds you and the waves of life seem to crash against your ship, choose to lift up your eyes beyond life’s challenges and circumstances. Choose to lift up your eyes and focus on Him. Remove your gaze off of the problem and center your focus on Him.

The One Hour Prayer Cycle
3 Days
Jesus asked is disciples in the garden why they couldn't stay awake and pray for one hour. For most of us the thought of praying for an hour seems too far out of our reach, but what if there was a simple way to spend an hour in prayer talking with Jesus. Paul instructs us to be devoted to prayer. Try this reading plan and pray for an hour.

Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this life-transforming devotional. Before you pursue that opportunity, before you make your next move, choose to let His Word guide your next decision. Not every opportunity is a God-given assignment. There is a difference between a “good” opportunity and a God-given assignment. Let His Word lead your steps as you read this powerful and timely message.

Set The Lord Before You
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this powerful devotional. Set the Lord before you. Set His Word before you. Let His Word lead and guide your path. Set His Ways before you. Choose to set His Word as your priority. Let His Word rule, dominate and abide in every area of your heart. Let His Word establish your path as you read this timely and powerful message.

Shine Your Light in Darkness
3 Days
In this inspiring and life-changing three-day devotional, you will learn the truth that your ultimate turnaround is on its way as you shine the light of God’s Word in the midst of darkness. Your path is getting brighter and brighter, day by day!

Bury Your Ordinary Habit One
3 Days
Jesus made big promises to those who follow him: perfect peace, abiding joy, and supernatural power, but these promises often feel disconnected from our experience. How do we actually take ground in our spiritual growth? Pastor Justin Kendrick has written the book Bury Your Ordinary to teach seven spiritual habits that lead to explosive growth and how to develop them in your life. Dive into the first habit: Relationship.

The New Year Workout Plan
3 Days
'Tis the season for "New Year, New Me" resolutions. It's only natural to take advantage of a fresh start! We designed our workout plan to strengthen your inner spirit-man and equip you with the tools for endurance during life's seasons. Scripture says in Psalms 51:10, "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Let's get ready to work out for a steadfast spirit.

I Will Instruct You
3 Days
For the Lord will instruct you and teach you which way to go. For the Lord will build you up and teach your hands to war. For He is your Blueprint. He is your Advocate and He will guide your footsteps. For the Lord will instruct you. The Lord will lead you and Counsel you. For He Will Light your path and show you which steps to take.

When Everything Seems Difficult
3 Days
It's not unusual to feel at a loss when faced with the challenges of the Christian life. At times when the future seems uncertain, how can we make the right decision and follow God's will? Through the Word of God, I want to share with you some thoughts on how to get through difficult seasons with confidence and abandon.

Search Me by Vance K. Jackson
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this heart-transforming devotional. This heart-examining prayer devotional will transform your life. Let God lead your heart as you read this timely message.

Prayers for Financial Wisdom
3 Days
Want to transform your finances? The secret isn't a better budgeting app or investment strategy—it's divine wisdom. This 3-day devotional hits different: raw, honest prayers that bridge heaven's wisdom with your day-to-day finances. So you can stop stressing about money and begin accessing God's unlimited financial wisdom for your life.

God Guides You
4 days
In the God Guides You Bible Plan, readers will discover in scripture the many ways God guides his children. As you journey through life’s mountaintop, valley or wilderness experiences, be encouraged today that God will guide you!

Let There Be Light
4 Days
In John 8:12, Jesus says, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” The light of Jesus shines in our lives and illuminates the world around us. His light brings life, clarity, and direction. Jesus shines in our darkness and brings us life. Join me in this four-day Bible plan and let’s learn how the light of Jesus can light up the world around us.

Delights And Disciplines Of Bible Study
4 Days
Since there are so many good books to read these days, both classical and contemporary, why should we take the time to read and study an ancient book like the Bible? In this reading plan, beloved Bible teacher Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe calls us to a deeper understanding and enjoyment of the most exciting book ever written.

Hearing God's Voice First
4 Days
It shouldn’t be a surprise that among Christians, one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to read our Bibles more, read them all the way through, read them daily... It’s something we aren’t doing but we know we should be. It’s an issue we all have. Whose voice are we listening to? What’s the voice that speaks loudest in your life?

U-Turns In Life
4 Days
Sometimes God sends you in another direction than you had anticipated. Discover helpful insights on divine u-turns in this short video series by Dr. Tony Evans.

3 Steps To Growing In The Word
4 Days
Tony Evans shows you three helpful steps to grow in your understanding and application of God's powerful word. Discover the wonder of the Word!

Study, Obey, Teach - Ezra 7:10
4 Days
How do you study the Bible? How do you apply the Word of God to your life? How do you inspire others to do the same? Over the next four days, we will take a look at Ezra the scribe whose dedication to study, obey, and teach the Revelation of God ignited revival in Jerusalem.

How to Battle Fear
4 Days
In uncertain times, our go-to mindset is fear. It seems to soothe us when we continually let ourselves go down fear-filled, “what-if” roads. As followers of Jesus, we can battle this. We don’t have to let fear win. This Plan is filled with practical tips as you take steps to win the battle fear is waging.

How to Make the Most of Your Devotional Time
4 Days
Believers need to study God’s Word and pray regularly. Many Christians wonder how to make these personal spiritual exercises effective. This devotional discusses the time, purpose, and content of our daily devotionals. It also discusses the variety of opportunities God has given us to worship Him individually. Every Christian should learn to engage in effective spiritual training that will profit them for this life and the life to come.