Нақшаҳои хониши ройгон ва садоқатҳои марбут ба Hebrews 10:18

Faith In Season
3 Days
Former Major League Baseball player, Justin Masterson highlights how the Lord has spoken to him through the game of baseball even in the dog days of life's seasons.

Psychology of Forgiveness
4 Days
This devotional is where ‘psychology meets scripture’ on the topic of forgiveness. Oftentimes, we passively forgive an offender, with a simple ‘I forgive you’, however, the challenge comes when you are reminded of their offence every time you see them. Or when you find it hard to get rid of that negative memory. Sometimes these recurring memories and feelings make you question whether you have really forgiven them or not.

KNOW Hebrews
4 Days
This plan will explore what the letter of Hebrews can teach us in four different areas. 1) WHO GOD IS: God’s character and nature 2) WHO WE ARE: the identity of humanity and/or followers of Jesus 3) WHAT WE BELIEVE: core Christian doctrines 4) HOW WE LIVE: putting faith into action

The Father's Love
5 Days
Do you long to know the love of God and rest in the wonderful truth that you are His beloved? This plan will help you grow in your understanding of the depth, breadth, length, and width of your Father's love, rest in it, and allow it to overflow to those around you.

Challenges Of Holding Fast—Jesus Is Greater Series #6
5 Days
Walking with God is not easy. When we choose to follow God with our whole heart, things get harder. What keeps us on this path? Why do we choose to journey with Him? Because JESUS IS GREATER! In this plan, Six of Nine, in our journey through Hebrews, we see how our life with Jesus can and will get challenging. Holding on may not always be easy, but it will be worth it.

Living Like Jesus
5 Days
If we want to share Jesus with others, we’ve got to live like Him, love like Him, and listen like Him. In this 5-day Plan, we’ll take a closer look at the life of Jesus to discover how we should live our lives.

The Hearts of Prophets and Kings
5 Days
The ancient Scriptures, written by the prophets of old, declare that the Word of God was indeed made flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus, the Christ, was the fulfillment of both the Law and the Prophets. This year, may we share His peace and declare goodwill toward all mankind!

Easter Behold Your King
5 Days
It’s so easy to get swept up in the busyness of plays and pastels during the Easter season that we sometimes forget to stand in awe of Jesus. "Easter: Behold Your King" is a thoughtful look at the Easter season. This study will not only help the reader understand how beautifully deep Christ’s sacrifice for us is, but also how to live in light of these life-giving truths.

When Heaven Met Earth
5 Days
Christmas is a great time to look closer at ourselves and see how the reality of Jesus coming to earth changed our lives. Heaven invaded earth and forever changed it. Our lives may be hard and complicated but in no way is it pointless with Jesus in it. Will you allow heaven to invade your life and live with a greater awareness of God’s presence and purpose for your life?

Christmas in the Holy Land
5 Days
Experience the Christmas story like never before with video tours that take you to the exact locations where it happened. Marvel with the prophets who foretold the Messiah and journey with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem—and more. It’s all here! This five-day reading plan gives you relevant Scriptures, practical devotionals, and daily, stunning HD videos to help you connect the Bible and its lands to your life.

Broken People, Humble Priest
5 Days
This plan will take you on a Biblical journey exploring the truth about Jesus as our High Priest through the book of Leviticus.

Just Don't Give Up! - Part 4: His Covenant
5 Days
Are you finding your life journey to be difficult? Are you feeling as though you are in a dark tunnel and there seems to be no way out? Are you feeling as though you are losing hope and are close to giving up? If you are in a difficult season right now, especially if you are battling cancer, this 40-day reading plan will help you to walk victoriously with God.

Alive: Grow in Your Relationship With Jesus
5 Days
In this 5-day study by Lifeway Women, you’ll walk through fundamental beliefs of the Christian Faith. Gain understanding of the change that took place in your heart as a new believer and learn to walk out your faith as an individual a part of the Body of Christ—the Community known as the Church. Hear and respond to the Call to take the long view of Christian Life.

Anatomy of the Gospel - Back to the Basics
5 Days
It is crucial that every believer truly understands what the gospel entails because this knowledge is key to living a true Christian life. I ask you then, what is the gospel? If you are not sure or cannot answer this question simply and comprehensively, this plan is for you. Join this 5-day plan to learn about the gospel and all it has to offer you.

The Holy Spirit Explained - Part II
5 Days
Discover how the Holy Spirit transforms lives, uniting believers across all backgrounds into one body. This series reveals how worship has moved from temples to our hearts, how darkness has been defeated through Christ, and how the Spirit empowers us to live boldly for God. Dive in to explore a deeper, life-changing faith.

Simply Grace
7 Days
How do we know we're forgiven when we mess up? How do we receive the power for living a new life every day? How do we enjoy a deep, personal connection with God? The same way we got started - by God's grace. Find out how you can live in freedom, purpose, and joy, just as God intended. Experience the full benefits of the simple gospel, simply by grace.

Forgiveness: The Freedom of the Gospel
7 Days
Any way you cut the Gospel, it bleeds forgiveness. Yet, even the most seasoned Christian can struggle to extend forgiveness to those that have deeply wounded them. Dr. Bruce Hebel invites you on a seven-day journey to discover what God has to say about experiencing the freedom of the Gospel through forgiveness and show you how to apply the blood of Jesus as payment in full for every wound.

The Purple Robe
7 Days
Are you someone who loves makeover shows? It is amazing to see how the right clothing can cause radical transformation. In biblical times, people were transformed into kings and priests by wearing royal colors of blue, purple, and scarlet. This Plan will explore how Jesus’ anointing as High Priest and King on Good Friday changes our everyday lives.

6 Biblical Principles of Martin Luther King Jr
7 Days
Look at six biblical principles that shaped Dr. King’s life and motivated him to speak on behalf of African-Americans in the Civil Rights Movement: love, conscience, freedom, justice, perseverance, and hope. You can better understand, live, experience, and ultimately form a community around the unifying principles at the heart of the dream to which Dr. King dedicated his life. Adapted from Share the Dream Bible Study.

Stories of Faith and Courage From the Korean War
7 Days
Stories of Faith and Courage from the Korean War is a daily devotional written from a unique perspective. Stories showing the power of faith among men and women facing extreme conditions of war will inspire readers to consider the deeper possibilities of faith in their own lives.

Daily Nuggets of Grace Part 7: Fruitful!
7 Days
There is a war for the love of God. This all-out war makes perfect sense since loving God is the first and most important commandment. This vital ingredient, love, is how the world will know we are Christians. The Daily Nuggets of Grace is a tool to help Christians remove barriers like guilt, shame, fear, and pride while learning to abide and recover their first love for Christ.

The Naked Gospel
8 Days
A lot of people sitting in church today are missing out on the freedom the Gospel offers. That's because they don't realize that the real Gospel is so much better than anything rule-driven religion can give them. Dr. Andrew Farley takes you directly to the foot of the cross of Christ and the door of the tomb in this 8-lesson reading plan - and leads you closer to the indispensable, powerful core of the Christian faith!

Relaxing With God
8 Days
Religion tells us, "Do more. Be more. Act more." But what if the Christian life was truly meant to be "easy" and "light" just as Christ told us? Dr. Andrew Farley shows you why so many Christians today are feeling weighed down and burned out in this 8-day reading plan. And he shows you how you can let go of the weight of works-based religion and start living in the freedom of God's grace.

For the Better
8 Days
“It’s better this way”… “You’ll be better off”… We’ve all heard these words of encouragement from people who love us, but we don’t always believe them to be true. As we explore the richness of Scripture, the author of Hebrews will remind us that Jesus not only exercises the Authority over our lives as King, but as our High Priest, He becomes the fulfillment of a better hope for Humanity.

You Belong by Pete Briscoe
9 Days
Do you ever feel as if you don’t belong in God’s family? Like you’re a misfit? Or like you’ve done something to disqualify yourself from being a part of the family? In this 9-day reading plan, Pete Briscoe explores what it means to be a member of God’s family and how you can know with confidence that you belong.