Нақшаҳои хониши ройгон ва садоқатҳои марбут ба 2 Corinthians 9:7

Theology Of IT
3 Days
Tony Evans shares some insightful thoughts on the law of the harvest and the theology of IT. What you sow, you will also reap. Discover more in this three-day reading plan.

The Big Give
3 Days
God has given all of us a gift so amazing and so incredible that most people don’t know what to do with it. This gift is grace, and in this plan, Dr. Tony Evans teaches about the grace of God and how all encompassing it truly is.

God Loves A Cheerful Giver
3 Days
Giving our time and money is one of the hardest parts of the Christian life. It requires God-given motivation.

3 Days
Infinitum is a way of life centered on following Jesus by loving God and loving others through an emphasis on the habits and disciplines of surrender, generosity, and mission. We aim to see the Bible and also the world through these Jesus-colored lenses. This short reading plan is based on the habit of Generosity.

Choosing to Love
3 Days
How do you show love to others? The theme of these guided biblical meditations is a reflection on the love of God and choosing to show His love to the world. Choosing to love is difficult with so much evil in the world, but I pray these meditations will help you decide to love God and pay His love forward. Embrace Jesus’ example of humility and show it to others.

Generous Evangelism
3 Days
Infinitum is a way of life centered on following Jesus by loving God and loving others through an emphasis on the habits and disciplines of surrender, generosity, and mission. We aim to see the Bible and also the world through these Jesus-colored lenses. This short reading plan considers Generous Evangelism.

Generosity: 21 Bible Verses You Need to Know
3 Days
The Bible has so much to say about generosity and giving. It is God's nature, and being created in His likeness, we are hard-wired to be generous givers. This plan looks at 21 key scriptures about generosity that are essential to living our most generous lives.

Created to Give, Connect, and Work
3 Days
A three-day devotional exploring various aspects of leadership, based on the leading podcast: The WOW Factor Leadership Podcast. Biblical wisdom from successful leaders, featuring David Green of Hobby Lobby.

Bury Your Ordinary Habit Five
3 Days
Jesus made big promises to those who follow him: perfect peace, abiding joy, and supernatural power, but these promises often feel disconnected from our experience. How do we actually take ground in our spiritual growth? Pastor Justin Kendrick has written the book Bury Your Ordinary to teach seven spiritual habits that lead to explosive growth and how to develop them in your life. Dive into the fifth habit: Resources.

Prayers for a Generous Heart
3 Days
Want a more generous heart? In this plan, we are looking at a bunch of the best bible verses about giving and generosity for you to meditate on. Additionally, we have created generosity prayer prompts or prayer starters to help you pray the Word to become a more generous person.

3 Biblical Truths About Money (That Most Christians Miss)
3 Days
In this 3-day devotional, you’ll discover how money is not evil but is an amplifier of character. You'll learn to use it as a tool for building God's Kingdom and uncover the often overlooked eternal rewards of generous giving. It'll inspire you to reassess your financial priorities, align your heart with God, and empower you to make a lasting impact in the world.

3 Promises About God's Provision (Pt 1: Abraham)
3 Days
Are you willing to fully trust God, even if it meant giving up your most prized possessions? Through the story of Abraham, we’ll explore the blessings that come with surrendering everything to God and trusting in His provision – and how the results of our obedience are far greater than anything we could hold onto. Get started today!

Passive Income Through a Biblical Lens
3 Days
This 3-day plan explores passive income through a Biblical lens. Learn what the Bible says (or hints at) about passive income and what the Biblical purpose for it should be. Learn how you can unlock true financial freedom while staying focused on Christ and using your resources to help others and make a difference in the world.

The Perfect Treasure
3 Days
In the sacred Scriptures, there are teachings and passages that offer guidance and wisdom on various aspects of life, including the concept of investing beyond one's grave. In this three day plan we will learn to invest beyond our earthly lives, sowing seeds that bear fruit both now and in the realm of eternity.

Stress-Free Finances: 6 Biblical Principles
3 Days
Let’s eliminate money stress from your life! In this plan, discover life-changing principles from the Bible to tackle money worries head-on. You'll find that as you meditate on these verses, you’ll begin turning financial stress into calm and peace. See you inside!

A Biblical Life Hack to Make Giving Easier (& More Fun)
3 Days
Embedded in Paul’s letters to the Corinthians is a life hack to make giving easier and more fun. And yet I’ve never heard anyone talk about it. In this plan we explore this simple generosity hack that has forever changed how I view giving and increased my joy as a giver.

3 Money Questions to Ask Before Getting Married
3 Days
You know the stats. Money is consistently one of the biggest causes for divorce. This is why it is critical to ask these 3 questions BEFORE you get married. See you inside as you take the first step towards a happy and healthy financial future together.

God Will Provide! (3 Lessons From Paul)
3 Days
In this plan, we are exploring three lessons from the Apostle Paul and the promises that God will provide. It's a mix of scripture, reflection, and action that will both challenge and encourage you, nudging you towards deeper trust in His ability as your provider. Let's get started!

Finding Financial Peace With God
3 Days
Dive into a 3-day journey where you'll redefine wealth, trust God deeply, and unleash generosity, even in tough times. Discover the joy of stewardship, the peace in God's provision, and the eternal impact of giving. After all, it's not just about money; it's about living a life rich with purpose.

The Psychology of Tithing: How Tithing Shapes Our Minds and Lives
3 Days
Tithing changes us. This 3-day Plan explores shocking research on how simply giving 10% boosts purpose, gratitude, and joy. I believe God knew we actually need regular giving to thrive as followers of Jesus. See you on the inside!

The Power of One
3 Days
This devotional, inspired by Food4Brothers, explores how individual actions can address global challenges like hunger. It melds practical advice and biblical wisdom, emphasizing the power of small, kind acts to effect broad change, all underpinned by scripture that encourages service and exemplifying Christ’s love.

3 Money Declarations That Will Make God Your CFO
3 Days
Regardless of whether you are doing “fine” financially or are in a financial crisis, you can (and should) declare God’s word over your financial life. In this plan, we’ll help you do just that while putting God in His rightful place in your financial life.

Freedom From Money Stress
3 Days
Tired of money worries keeping you up at night? Discover God's path to financial peace in this 3-day devotional. Learn practical, biblical ways to break free from the grip of money stress and embrace the freedom Jesus offers.

The 3 Most Common Tithing Mistakes
3 Days
Are you making these three tithing mistakes? This three-day devotional tackles the three most common tithing mistakes, offering biblical wisdom and practical tips to help you give with joy and purpose. Discover how to align your giving with God's heart and avoid these common pitfalls.

Grateful Hearts in Lean Times
3 Days
This 3-day Bible reading plan is designed to help you develop a heart of gratitude in the face of financial difficulties. Each day focuses on trusting God's provision, practicing generosity, and cultivating contentment. Through scriptures and reflections, you'll learn how gratitude can transform your perspective, deepen your faith, and lead to financial peace. By the end of this plan, you'll be encouraged to trust in God's unfailing provision and develop a spirit of thankfulness.