Psalms 45:6-15

Psalms 45:6-15 MSG

“Your throne is God’s throne, ever and always; The scepter of your royal rule measures right living. You love the right and hate the wrong. And that is why God, your very own God, poured fragrant oil on your head, Marking you out as king from among your dear companions. “Your forest-drenched garments are fragrant with mountain breeze. Chamber music—from the throne room— makes you want to dance. Kings’ daughters are maids in your court, the Bride glittering with golden jewelry. * * * “Now listen, daughter, don’t miss a word: forget your country, put your home behind you. Be here—the king is wild for you. Since he’s your lord, adore him. Wedding gifts pour in from Tyre; rich guests shower you with presents.” (Her wedding dress is dazzling, lined with gold by the weavers; All her dresses and robes are woven with gold. She is led to the king, followed by her virgin companions. A procession of joy and laughter! a grand entrance to the king’s palace!)

Video for Psalms 45:7-15