Psalms 148:3-13

Psalms 148:3-13 TPT

Keep it up, sun and moon! Don’t stop now, all you twinkling stars of light! Take it up even higher—up to the highest heavens, until the cosmic chorus thunders his praise! Let the entire universe erupt with praise to God. He spoke and created it all—from nothing to something. He established the cosmos to last forever, and he stands behind his commands so his orders will never be revoked. Let the earth join in with this parade of praise! You mighty creatures of the ocean’s depths, echo in exaltation! Lightning, hail, snow, clouds, and the stormy winds that fulfill his word— bring your melody, O mountains and hills; trees of the forest and field, harmonize your praise! Praise him, all beasts and birds, mice and men, kings, queens, princes, and princesses, young men and maidens, children and babes, old and young alike, everyone everywhere! Let them all join in with this orchestra of praise. For the name of the Lord is the only name we raise! His stunning splendor ascends higher than the heavens.

Read Psalms 148

Video for Psalms 148:3-13