Isaiah 51:12-16

Isaiah 51:12-16 TPT

“I, yes I, am the one who comforts you. All the sons of men will be cut down and fade like grass. Why then would you be afraid of a mere human being? You have forgotten that YAHWEH, your Maker, stretched out the skies and laid earth’s firm foundation. But you live each day constantly worrying, living in fear of your angry oppressor who is bent on your destruction. But their fury cannot touch you! Those who are suffering will soon be released. They will not die in their dark dungeon, nor will they go hungry. For I am YAHWEH, your faithful God, who split the sea with its roaring waves. My name is Lord YAHWEH, Commander of Angel Armies!” “I have placed my words in your mouth and have hidden you in the hollow of my hand to establish the heavens and make the earth rock solid. You will say to Zion, ‘You are my people!’ ”

Read Isaiah 51

Video for Isaiah 51:12-16