Luke (Luk) 14:26
Complete Jewish Bible
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father, his mother, his wife, his children, his brothers and his sisters, yes, and his own life besides, he cannot be my talmid.
Istraži Luke (Luk) 14:26
Luke (Luk) 14:27
Whoever does not carry his own execution-stake and come after me cannot be my talmid.
Istraži Luke (Luk) 14:27
Luke (Luk) 14:11
Because everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but everyone who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Istraži Luke (Luk) 14:11
Luke (Luk) 14:33
“So every one of you who doesn’t renounce all that he has cannot be my talmid.
Istraži Luke (Luk) 14:33
Luke (Luk) 14:28-30
“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Don’t you sit down and estimate the cost, to see if you have enough capital to complete it? If you don’t, then when you have laid the foundation but can’t finish, all the onlookers start making fun of you and say, ‘This is the man who began to build, but couldn’t finish!’
Istraži Luke (Luk) 14:28-30
Luke (Luk) 14:13-14
Instead, when you have a party, invite poor people, disfigured people, the crippled, the blind! How blessed you will be that they have nothing with which to repay you! For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”
Istraži Luke (Luk) 14:13-14
Luke (Luk) 14:34-35
Salt is excellent. But if even the salt becomes tasteless, what can be used to season it? It is fit for neither soil nor manure — people throw it out. Those who have ears that can hear, let them hear!”
Istraži Luke (Luk) 14:34-35
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