Judges 2:1-9

Judges 2:1-9 MSG

GOD’s angel went up from Gilgal to Bokim and said, “I brought you out of Egypt; I led you to the land that I promised to your fathers; and I said, I’ll never break my covenant with you—never! And you’re never to make a covenant with the people who live in this land. Tear down their altars! But you haven’t obeyed me! What’s this that you’re doing? “So now I’m telling you that I won’t drive them out before you. They’ll trip you up and their gods will become a trap.” When GOD’s angel had spoken these words to all the People of Israel, they cried out—oh! how they wept! They named the place Bokim (Weepers). And there they sacrificed to GOD. * * * After Joshua had dismissed them, the People of Israel went off to claim their allotted territories and take possession of the land. The people worshiped GOD throughout the lifetime of Joshua and the time of the leaders who survived him, leaders who had been in on all of GOD’s great work that he had done for Israel. Then Joshua son of Nun, the servant of GOD, died. He was 110 years old. They buried him in his allotted inheritance at Timnath Heres in the hills of Ephraim north of Mount Gaash.