Psalms 41:1-13

Psalms 41:1-13 TPT

God always blesses those who are kind to the poor and helpless. They’re the first ones God helps when they find themselves in any trouble. The Lord will preserve and protect them. They’ll be honored and esteemed while their enemies are defeated. When they are sick, lying upon their bed of suffering, God will restore them. He will raise them up again and restore them back to health. So in my sickness I say to you, “Lord, be my kind healer. Heal my body and soul; heal me, God! For I have confessed my sins to you.” But those who hate me wish the worst for me, saying, “When will he die and be forgotten?” And when these “friends” come to visit me with their pious sympathy and their hollow words and with hypocrisy hidden in their hearts, I can see right through it all. For they come merely to gather gossip about me, using all they find to mock me with malicious hearts of slander. They are wicked whisperers who imagine the worst for me, repeating their rumors, saying, “He got what he deserved; it’s over for him! The spirit of infirmity is upon him, and he’ll never get over this illness.” Even my ally, my friend, has turned against me. He was one I totally trusted with my life, sharing supper with him, and now he shows me nothing but betrayal and treachery. He has sold me as an enemy. So Lord, please don’t desert me when I need you! Give me grace and get me back on my feet so I can triumph over them all. Then I’ll know you’re pleased with me when you allow me to taste victory over all my foes. Now stand up for me and don’t let me fall, for I’ve walked with integrity. Keep me before your face forever. Everyone praise the Lord God of Israel, always and forever! For he is from eternity past and will remain for the eternity to come. That’s the way it will be forever. Faithful is our King! Amen!

Read Psalms 41