Psalms 105:23-45

Psalms 105:23-45 TPT

Then Jacob, with all of Joseph’s family, came from Canaan to Egypt and settled in Goshen. God made them very fruitful, and they multiplied incredibly until they were greater in number than those who ruled them. God turned their hearts to hate his people and to deal treacherously with his servants. But he sent them his faithful servant, Moses, the deliverer, and chose Aaron to accompany him. Their command brought down signs and wonders, working miracles in Egypt. By God’s direction, they spoke and released a plague of thick darkness over the land. God turned their rivers to blood, causing every fish to die. And the judgment-plague of frogs came in enormous numbers, swarming everywhere, even into Pharaoh’s bedroom! God spoke and another plague was released— massive swarms of flies, vast clouds of insects, covered the land. God rained down hail and flaming fire upon Egypt. Their gardens and vines were all destroyed, shattering trees into splinters throughout the territory. God spoke, and devouring hordes of locusts swept over the land, picking the ground clean of vegetation and crops. Then God struck down their firstborn sons, the pride and joy of every Egyptian family. At last, God freed all the Hebrews from their slavery and sent them away laden with the silver and gold of Egypt. And not even one was feeble on their way out! Egypt was relieved at their exodus, ready to see them go, for the terror of the Lord of the Hebrews had fallen upon them! God spread out a cloud as shade as they moved ahead and a cloud of fire to light up their night. Moses prayed and God brought them quail to eat. He satisfied them with heaven’s bread falling from the sky. He broke open the boulder and the waters poured out like a river in the desert. For God could never forget his holy promise to his servant Abraham. So God brought out his chosen ones with singing; with a joyful shout they were set free! He gave them lands and nations, just like he promised. Fruitful lands of crops they had never planted were now theirs. All this was done for them so that they would be faithful to keep the ways of God, obeying his laws and following his truths. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

Read Psalms 105