Mark 8:1-13

Mark 8:1-13 TPT

During those days, another massive crowd gathered to hear Jesus, and again, there was no food and the people were hungry. So Jesus called his disciples to come near him and said to them, “My heart goes out to this crowd, for they’ve already been here with me for three days with nothing to eat. I’m concerned that if I send them home hungry, some may faint along the way, for many have come a long, long way just to be with me.” His disciples replied, “But could anyone possibly get enough food to satisfy a crowd this size out here in this isolated place?” He asked them, “How many loaves of flatbread do you have?” “Seven,” they replied. Jesus instructed the crowd to sit down on the grass. After he took the seven loaves, he gave thanks to God, broke them, and started handing them to his disciples. They kept distributing the bread until they had served the entire crowd. They also had a few small fish, and after giving thanks for these, Jesus had his disciples serve them to the crowd. Everyone ate until they were satisfied. Then the disciples gathered up the broken pieces and filled seven large baskets with the leftovers. About four thousand people ate what had been multiplied! Then he dismissed the crowd. Afterward, Jesus got into a boat and sailed to the vicinity of Dalmanutha. As soon as Jesus landed, he was confronted by the Pharisees, who argued with Jesus and tested him. They demanded that he give them a miraculous sign from heaven. With a deep sigh from his spirit, he said, “What drives this generation to clamor for a sign? Listen to the truth: there will absolutely be no sign given to this generation!” Then he turned and left them, got back into the boat, and crossed over to the opposite shore.

Read Mark 8