(Mark) War Club Tells the Good Story 11:24
First Nations Version
That is why I say that when you send your voice to the Great Spirit, believe that he has heard you and the answer will come.
Ongorora {{vhesi}}
(Mark) War Club Tells the Good Story 11:23
“I speak from my heart. Anyone who says to this mountain, ‘Lift up and go into the great waters,’ with a heart that believes and does not doubt that what he says will happen, then it will be done.
(Mark) War Club Tells the Good Story 11:25
“In the same way, when you stand and pray and there remember you have something against another, release them from the wrong they have done, so that your Father from above will also release you from the wrongs you have done.”
(Mark) War Club Tells the Good Story 11:22
“You must put all your trust in the Great Spirit,” Creator Sets Free (Jesus) replied.
(Mark) War Club Tells the Good Story 11:17
“It is written in the sacred teachings,” he instructed them, “‘My lodge will be called a House of Prayer for all Nations.’” Then his voice rose like the sound of thunder, “‘But you have turned it into a hideout for thieves!’”
(Mark) War Club Tells the Good Story 11:9
The people encircled him, front and back. “Hosanna! Set us free!” they shouted.
(Mark) War Club Tells the Good Story 11:10
“Blessed is the one who comes representing the Great Spirit! The good road of our ancestor Much Loved One (David) has arrived! Hosanna, to the One Above Us All!”