NIV Once-A-Day Bible Worship and Praise Devotional

21 dni
This is a 21 day extract of the Once-A-Day Worship and Praise Devotional with 365 daily readings to help you worship and praise God. Daily readings focus on worship and give you Bible text, a short devotion, and a prayer prompt with room to record your thoughts.
We would like to thank Zondervan for providing this devotional. For more information, please visit:
About The PublisherSorodni načrti

Daj prostor besedi: Življenje v Božjem kraljestvu

Odkrijte Pot v Nebesa, v Očetov dom, v Božje Kraljestvo

Hvalospev: Milost v tvoji zgodbi

Najti Tolažbo v Osamljenosti ?

Pot Do Čustvenega Zdravja

Daj prostor besedi: Greh in odpuščanje

Pozorni Bodimo Na Glas Boga!

Sanjaj Skupaj z Nebeškim Očetom

V Novo Leto Z Močnejšo Vero