Numbers 23:1-15
Numbers 23:1-15 MSG
Balaam said, “Build me seven altars here, and then prepare seven bulls and seven rams.” Balak did it. Then Balaam and Balak sacrificed a bull and a ram on each of the altars. Balaam instructed Balak: “Stand watch here beside your Whole-Burnt-Offering while I go off by myself. Maybe GOD will come and meet with me. Whatever he shows or tells me, I’ll report to you.” Then he went off by himself. God did meet with Balaam. Balaam said, “I’ve set up seven altars and offered a bull and a ram on each altar.” Then GOD gave Balaam a message: “Return to Balak and give him this message.” He went back and found him stationed beside his Whole-Burnt-Offering and with him all the nobles of Moab. Then Balaam spoke his message-oracle: Balak led me here from Aram, the king of Moab all the way from the eastern mountains. “Go, curse Jacob for me; go, damn Israel.” How can I curse whom God has not cursed? How can I damn whom GOD has not damned? From rock pinnacles I see them, from hilltops I survey them: Look! a people camping off by themselves, thinking themselves outsiders among nations. But who could ever count the dust of Jacob or take a census of cloud-of-dust Israel? I want to die like these right-living people! I want an end just like theirs! Balak said to Balaam, “What’s this? I brought you here to curse my enemies, and all you’ve done is bless them.” Balaam answered, “Don’t I have to be careful to say what GOD gives me to say?” * * * Balak said to him, “Go with me to another place from which you can only see the outskirts of their camp—you won’t be able to see the whole camp. From there, curse them for my sake.” So he took him to Watchmen’s Meadow at the top of Pisgah. He built seven altars there and offered a bull and a ram on each altar. Balaam said to Balak, “Take up your station here beside your Whole-Burnt-Offering while I meet with him over there.”