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Genesis 1:20-31

Genesis 1:20-31 TPT

God said, “Let there be life! Let the waters swarm with sea life, and let the sky be filled with soaring birds of every kind.” God created huge sea creatures and every living creature that moves of every kind—swarming in the water and flying in the sky, according to their species. God loved what he saw, for it was beautiful. God blessed them, saying, “Reproduce and be fruitful! Fill the waters of the sea with life, and the earth with flying birds!” Evening gave way to morning—day five. God said, “Let the earth produce every class and kind of living creature: livestock, crawling things, wild animals, each after its kind.” And so it happened. God made the wild animals according to their species, livestock according to their species, and all the creatures that creep along the ground according to their species. And God loved what he saw, for it was beautiful. Then God said, “Let us make a man and a woman in our image to be like us. Let them reign over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the livestock, over the creatures that creep along the ground, and over the wild animals.” So God created man and woman and shaped them with his image inside them. In his own beautiful image, he created his masterpiece. Yes, male and female he created them. And God blessed them in his love, saying, “Reproduce and be fruitful! Populate the earth and subdue it! Reign over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and every creature that lives on earth.” And God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant growing throughout the earth, vegetables, and every fruit-bearing tree with its seed within itself. They will be your food. They will also be food for every animal and bird, and every creature that moves on the ground—every creature with the breath of life.” And so it happened. God surveyed all he had made and said, “I love it!” For it pleased him greatly. Evening gave way to morning—day six.

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