Matyu 16:24
Bro Nkifrarhu Mrokfot
Be inji kfonihato kfo memorm, “Wom yimar kangr, na ahik hneya, mirahr tur amdukak hanya. Nd dukefr mong trohhato rorhu bgre mis titahato na hikkfot.
Explore Matyu 16:24
Matyu 16:18
Pita, kfiwann, ni tahiye. Nd tahisn nanhu sioskfot kasinyaruhant. Nd tahisn sioskfot hatohruhatt, noheft nhai niahato yak kasuhruhattt.
Explore Matyu 16:18
Matyu 16:19
Hefenrhu kingdomkfothu kijibont hiruhann ninn yakitohrahnt. Ndar bbinysofthu tamoh tamoh nefm ni kfo raforahnm, tawo hefenrko Bro Nkifrar nd nefm kfo raforahrm. Ndar bbinysofthu tamoh tamoh nefm ni kfo yakiorahnm, tawo hefenrko Bro Nkifrar nd nefm kfo yakiorahrm.”
Explore Matyu 16:19
Matyu 16:25
Yimar turhu toh marnya nmbuharpat mdukak hanitr, nd toh nmbuhat ror mdukak hanitat nhai tfit wom htiruhatrt. Yimar na dukahato nhai turhu toh marnya nmbuharpat dukarfort, kto tfit htirahrt rorhu toh marnya nmbuhat.
Explore Matyu 16:25
Matyu 16:26
Wom yimar ndar bbinysofthu tamoh tamohrpar yakhato kto toh nkifrayuk toh nmbuhat nhai dukarfort, to nd ariha yekwa marut, wuskat, tamoh tamoht kto to finji hifa toh nkifra nmbuhat hiruhamr? Hifa toh nkifra nmbuhat kangr tfit ayakant, to tfit fitoh yuhatn yakruhart?
Explore Matyu 16:26
Matyu 16:15-16
Inji kfomotm, tfit ttiwon memorm, “To niko tuko finji dukewokma?” Saimon Pitar kfo memor, “Ni, bbinysof thofroh minrfa htiyakyuk yima Kraise. Ni, tu toh nkifraniruha Nkifrarhu Yone.”
Explore Matyu 16:15-16
Matyu 16:17
Jisasr kfo memorr, “Jonrhu yon Saimone, wayindhortwa. Nd mrokfot ni kfit, nhai ndar bbinysofthu wom yimar kfo merforn inji wakfotwa. Nhai. Nanhu Yifemr, hefenr tohwar, rorn dukefm yahutrn inji kfi.
Explore Matyu 16:17
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