John 5:24
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
“Truly, truly say I tʼye, The man wha hears my word, and lippens on him wha sent me, has Life for Aye, and comes‐na intil condemnation; but he is come oot oʼ death intil Life.
Explore John 5:24
John 5:6
And Jesus seein him lyin, and kennin he had lang been sae, says to him, “Wad ye be made hale?”
Explore John 5:6
John 5:39-40
“Ye seek in the Scripturs; for in them ye think ye hae Life for Aye: and it is eʼen thae that testify oʼ me. “And ye winna come to me that ye micht hae Life.
Explore John 5:39-40
John 5:8-9
Quoʼ Jesus to him, “Up! tak up yere couch, and gang!” And at ance the man was made hale, and took up his couch, and walkit; and that vera day was the Sabbath‐day.
Explore John 5:8-9
John 5:19
Than said Jesus to them, “Truly, truly say I tʼye, The Son dis naething oʼ his sel allenarlie, but sic as he sees the Faither do: for siclike things the Faither dis, thae also dis the Son as weel.
Explore John 5:19
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