Matthew 22:37-39
New American Standard Bible - NASB 1995
And He said to him, “ ‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.’ This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.’
Explore Matthew 22:37-39
Matthew 22:40
On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”
Explore Matthew 22:40
Matthew 22:14
For many are called, but few are chosen.”
Explore Matthew 22:14
Matthew 22:30
For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.
Explore Matthew 22:30
Matthew 22:19-21
Show Me the coin used for the poll-tax.” And they brought Him a denarius. And He *said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” They *said to Him, “Caesar’s.” Then He *said to them, “Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God the things that are God’s.”
Explore Matthew 22:19-21
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