බයිබල් යෙදුමේ Gracecity Church අනුගමනය කරන්න.

Gracecity Church


බයිබල් යෙදුම දැන්ම ල​බාගන්න

100% නොමිලේ. සදහට දැන්වීම් හෝ යෙදුම තුළ මිලදී ගැනීමට කිසිවක් නොමැත.

Google Play Storeඇපල් ඇප් ස්ටෝර්

Gracecity Church පිළිබඳ තොරතුරු

We’re called to join God’s renewal of people and places. Our city is beautiful but broken. God’s heart is for restoration and He invites us to partner with Him. We challenge division and participate in a community that empowers and equips people to live out their faith.

organization lead image

Senior Pastor

Jonathan Dove

17 Marewa Rd, Greenlane, Auckland, New Zealand

09 520 1288