Proverbs 6:9-19
Proverbs 6:9-19 TPT
So wake up, sleepyhead. How long will you lie there? When will you wake up and get out of bed? If you keep nodding off and thinking, “I’ll do it later,” or say to yourself, “I’ll just sit back awhile and take it easy,” just watch how the future unfolds! By making excuses you’ll learn what it means to go without. Poverty will pounce on you like a bandit and move in as your roommate for life. Here’s another life lesson to learn from observing wayward and wicked men. You can tell they are lawless. They’re constant liars, proud deceivers, full of clever ploys and convincing plots. Their twisted thoughts are perverse, and they are always scheming to stir up trouble, and sowing strife with every step they take. But when calamity comes knocking on their door, suddenly and without warning they’re undone— broken to bits, shattered, with no hope of healing. There are six evils God truly hates and a seventh that is an abomination to him: Putting others down while considering yourself superior, spreading lies and rumors, spilling the blood of the innocent, plotting evil in your heart toward another, gloating over doing what’s plainly wrong, spouting lies in false testimony, and stirring up strife between friends. These are entirely despicable to God!