Psalms 96:1-9

Psalms 96:1-9 NCV

Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth. Sing to the LORD and praise his name; every day tell how he saves us. Tell the nations of his glory; tell all peoples the miracles he does, because the LORD is great; he should be praised at all times. He should be honored more than all the gods, because all the gods of the nations are only idols, but the LORD made the heavens. The LORD has glory and majesty; he has power and beauty in his Temple. Praise the LORD, all nations on earth; praise the LORD’s glory and power. Praise the glory of the LORD’s name. Bring an offering and come into his Temple courtyards. Worship the LORD because he is holy. Tremble before him, everyone on earth.

Read Psalms 96

Psalms 96:1-9 සඳහා වීඩියෝව