Psalms 105:16-36

Psalms 105:16-36 NCV

God ordered a time of hunger in the land, and he destroyed all the food. Then he sent a man ahead of them— Joseph, who was sold as a slave. They put chains around his feet and an iron ring around his neck. Then the time he had spoken of came, and the LORD’s words proved that Joseph was right. The king of Egypt sent for Joseph and freed him; the ruler of the people set him free. He made him the master of his house; Joseph was in charge of his riches. He could order the princes as he wished. He taught the older men to be wise. Then his father Israel came to Egypt; Jacob lived in Egypt. The LORD made his people grow in number, and he made them stronger than their enemies. He caused the Egyptians to hate his people and to make plans against his servants. Then he sent his servant Moses, and Aaron, whom he had chosen. They did many signs among the Egyptians and worked wonders in Egypt. The LORD sent darkness and made the land dark, but the Egyptians turned against what he said. So he changed their water into blood and made their fish die. Then their country was filled with frogs, even in the bedrooms of their rulers. The LORD spoke and flies came, and gnats were everywhere in the country. He made hail fall like rain and sent lightning through their land. He struck down their grapevines and fig trees, and he destroyed every tree in the country. He spoke and grasshoppers came; the locusts were too many to count. They ate all the plants in the land and everything the earth produced. The LORD also killed all the firstborn sons in the land, the oldest son of each family.

Read Psalms 105

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