Proverbs 23:25 සම්බන්ධව නිදහස් කියවීමේ සැලසුම් සහ පූජනීයත්වය

Mom, Oh Mom!
4 Days
How will you describe your relationship with your mother? Are you close to her, or do you have issues that need to be resolved with her? This four-day plan will help you through some of the intricacies and complications in your relationship with your mother, whether she is with you or not.

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
5 Days
Jesus perfected the art of telling parables-short stories with a surprising twist & an explosive message about truth, the human heart & the kingdom of heaven. Every parable holds up a mirror that reveals the human heart & invites everyone to welcome Jesus' kingdom. This devotional plan will help you see the parables in a new light, experiencing, for the first time, their ability to draw people into Jesus' grace.

Disconnect - Unplug From the Noise
10 Days
Have you ever had a poor signal on your phone, when you can’t hear what the other person is saying? This happens because of the noise around you or because of where you are positioned. To hear God we sometimes need to disconnect from the noise around us. Over the next 10 days we will use Colossians 3 to disconnect from busyness, mute the noise and connect to God.

Finding Joy in the Rooms of a Mother’s Heart
10 Days
You are about to enter, or perhaps have already entered, the breathtaking, fulfilling, and frustrating address where motherhood lives. Once you cross the threshold of this magnificent dwelling that is reserved for those who have been blessed with children, your life and your heart will never be the same.

Faith for Fertility: A Prayer Devotional
11 Days
If you’re waiting for a child, be it through adoption, natural pregnancy, or fertility treatment, this devotional is for you. The reflections on the scriptures are short and the prayers will take one to three minutes to pray. Be encouraged to allow God to fill your heart with hope, patience, and faith as you fix your eyes on Him. I strongly encourage you to complete this devotional with your spouse.

The Ten Commandments. God’s Instruction Manual for Life
15 Days
God gave the Israelites instructions on how to serve Him and how to treat fellow people. These “ten commandments” were like a constitution designed by God Himself, meant for his glory and the well-being of the people. They are still a valuable guideline for our life with God and with other people. This Reading Plan studies all ten commandments and the summary that Jesus gave us.

30 Wisdom Sayings
30 Days
This devotional is a 30-day journey of discovering wisdom through the book of Proverbs, originally shared with the MOSAIC community on the church’s Deep devotional. Written by pastors at MOSAIC, the series uncovers how we understand, obtain, and develop wisdom in our lives. With topics ranging from dating to social justice, dive deep with us as we explore wisdom through the words of scripture!

Seeking Real Wisdom
31 Days
In these times of fake news where everyone is an ‘expert’, too often we are deceived into the world's thinking and lies. Seeking Real Wisdom infuses Biblical truth through meditations through Proverbs. The plan highlights one chapter of Proverbs per day with reflections monthly to meditate on. Read just one month or sign up monthly for a whole year- either way this devo will help you in Seeking Real Wisdom!

The Way of Wisdom
31 Days
In this study, we go through the book of Proverbs daily. Proverbs remind us that God is in the details of our lives, but we need Holy clarity, insight, and discernment to live out our faith in wisdom. This book covers every aspect of life, from relationships to Spiritual growth. Wisdom fills the breach between the Principles, Promises, and Commands of God as you pray for direction. Be Encouraged!