Nehemiah 2:1 සම්බන්ධව නිදහස් කියවීමේ සැලසුම් සහ පූජනීයත්වය

Moving Beyond Fear Into Favor: Walking in Your Purpose
4 Days
The word PURPOSE has become so common that it is no longer understood. In this study of Nehemiah Chapter 2 we will discuss the idea of purpose in a unique and uncommon way that will bring clarity and understanding to living a life of purpose.

Career Transitions | Lessons From Nehemiah
4 Days
We all go through career transitions. In this study, you will learn how Nehemiah navigated one of his transitions through four distinct phases. Insights from the first two chapters of Nehemiah are especially timely and applicable today.

How Should Believers Be As Leaders? Video Devotions From Time Of Grace
5 Days
You're a leader whether you know it or not. You have people in your life whom you have some influence over. Through the biblical accounts of Nehemiah, this video series will help you learn to show and demonstrate the freedom you have in Christ by living and leading in grace.

The Thin Places: Building Foundations
5 Days
Join Hillsong East Coast's online experience and walk through this corresponding plan based on Pastor Raf DaSilva's July 2021 message, "The Thin Places: Building Foundations." Read through God's Word within each devotional and reflect through guided questions for individual consideration and group discussion. We pray it encourages you to reframe your reality.

Bricklayers 2
5 Days
After 70 years of exile, the Jewish people return to Israel to build back what was torn down. How does Nehemiah rebuild it? How did he recruit, train, and empower the Jewish people?

Wisdom for Work From Nehemiah
5 Days
The book of Nehemiah contains loads of wisdom for our work. In this five-day plan, we’ll examine five passages from this book that show us how we can “pray without ceasing” at work, which type of work is “God’s work,” how to “trust God and get going,” how to confront the darkness we see in our workplaces, and how excellent work can lead others to worship the one true God!

Rebuild 5-Day Reading Plan
5 Days
The past few years have been a challenging time for the entire world. A polarizing pandemic, political division, racial injustice, record depression, surging inflation, and multiple wars. So many things are broken. It’s time to rebuild. Pastor Tommy walks us through Nehemiah’s story of rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls and how his church rebuilt an abandoned Toys R’ Us. This plan will encourage you to pursue God’s rebuilding work in your life.

Living Undivided: A Devotional for Racial Healing & Justice
5 Days
This devotional invites you on a five-day journey through the story of Nehemiah, drawing parallels between his mission to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls and our modern quest for healing. Through daily scripture, reflection, and prayer, this plan explores themes of empathy, mercy, justice, and action, encouraging you to live out your faith with courage and contribute to lasting change in your community.

Nehemiah: Rebuilding the Walls
6 Days
After hearing about Jerusalem’s fallen walls, which left the city vulnerable and disgraced, Nehemiah knew that action had to be taken. But first, God needed to be sought out. Often, we are moved to “make things right,” but when we do it in our own power, we miss out on the guidance and blessing of the One who brings true restoration. Discover how Nehemiah navigates his circumstances in difficult times.

The Good Work
7 days
You might not be able to change the whole world, but you can change your part of it. What’s your purpose? What’s your story? What will God do through you? Find out through the experiences of Nehemiah in this Life.Church Bible Plan, accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, The Good Work.

From Crisis to Breakthrough: Reimagining Your Work
7 Days
We will all face a crisis in our work at some point. Whether it’s economic uncertainty, a pandemic, or overcoming injustice, crisis doesn’t have to have the last word. A crisis can actually be a powerful catalyst for significant breakthroughs when we turn to God. This plan will walk you through six important steps to transform a crisis at work into a breakthrough through your faith.

Learning to Lead With Nehemiah
7 Days
The story of Nehemiah tells of an ordinary man who saw a need and in rising up to meet it, accomplished what seemed impossible. In this 7-day plan from Rotimi Iyun's book, we will learn principles that will teach us to recognize opportunities for leadership and deliver results, even in the midst of adversity .

A Cut Above the Rest
7 Days
In every sphere of life, it’s the extraordinary ones who are celebrated and sought after. Daniel Mahimairaj, in this practical study, talks about going beyond the superficial because peak performance is not achieved by superficial engagement. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. He reminds us of our true calling to stand out and walk the talk.

Holy Ambition
7 Days
What do you think of when you hear the word ambition? Self-centeredness? Greed? In this seven-day study, you’ll learn that God wants you to develop ambition—Holy Ambition! Bible teacher and pastor Chip Ingram draws from the story of Nehemiah to help you develop the seven conditions you need to let God use your gifts and dreams to transform the world.

A Greek Word for the Day
7 Days
J.D. Watson presents a brief word study and then offers an application to make that particular Greek word become real for practical living. To aid reinforcement, related verses are listed for the reader's personal study. These brief devotionals will enrich the mind, stir the soul, and empower the life of God's people. This devotional is a preview of the full book.

Becoming a Fulfilled Father
8 Days
You are leading your family, but you see room for improvement. Sections of your family wall are gone. Some stones must be replaced. Before following Christ, this was off your fatherhood radar. But now, it drives your thinking. What next? As it turns out, fathers can learn much from an Old Testament cupbearer (and wall-fixer). Nehemiah outlines how we can build a vision for our family that honors God.

Spiritual Laws Of Progression
10 Days
God's desire for His Children is for them to prosper,grow and make progress and not just exist and survive. However we notice that while few progress most barely get through. Is our God partial to bless only few? As we browse through the Bible we see several instances of God accomplishing extraordinary achievements through ordinary people. As we we study the lives of these individuals we recognise specific principles at work, these principles are the Laws of Progression which when practised will cause individuals to excel and not just exist.

Rebuilding Our Broken World
10 Days
Are the walls of your life crumbling around you? Do you mourn the brokenness of our culture? Take heart! God will show you His power and willingness to renew through the remarkable story of Nehemiah and his servant-leadership to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Dr. Michael Youssef unpacks the significance of walls in our lives and how we can be leaders in our spheres of influence to restore our lives, communities, and culture, taking us from rubble to rejoicing.

Leadership Lessons From Nehemiah
10 Days
Nehemiah was a visionary leader, innovator, and statesman. I believe that the Book of Nehemiah is as good an entrepreneur’s case study as any I use in the classes I teach at Carnegie Mellon. It offers lessons in leadership on par with well-documented examples of exemplary leadership from modern CEOs. Over the course of this 10-day study, we are going to learn by studying the life of Nehemiah.

Reconstruction: A Study in Nehemiah
10 Days
Along with Ezra, Nehemiah chronicles the post-exilic history of Israel. Nehemiah's leadership helped resettle Israelites in the land and rebuild Jerusalem's walls. However, Nehemiah's greatest legacy was a renewed national identity rooted in repentance of sin and obedience to God.

Brick by Brick - Rebuilding What Matters
10 Days
We know the frustration of taking a wrong turn and going off track. It happens, even in our spiritual lives; but, thankfully, we can turn back, and rebuild what matters. The Israelite remnant that returned from exile to the Promised Land rebuilt their walls brick by brick. Let's share in their journey of spiritual renewal in God.

CREED, Rebuilding Your Family Fortress
10 Days
Every man needs a CREED. Something to stand by as the Man of the House. As we journey through Nehemiah's account of rebuilding and fortifying Jerusalem's walls, we also discover how we can be men, husbands and fathers with a godly CREED - Courage, Responsibility, Excellence, Enthusiasm and Devotion

Rebuilding Home: 13 Days in Nehemiah
13 Days
In this 13 day plan, you will study the book of Nehemiah, which highlights the idea of Christ vs. culture and the collision of God and government. We hope you’ll learn how to be a spirit-filled leader and persevere in God’s call for your life despite opposition from others.

Summoned: Stepping Up to Live and Lead With Jesus
14 Days
You have been summoned. Life is complicated, and sometimes we feel stuck or adrift. But God has been at work in your life, and he's still working in you. God is calling men to a deeper life of faith, surrender and commitment. You can learn to recognize where he's leading you and what he's calling you to become.