Matthew 4:23 සම්බන්ධව නිදහස් කියවීමේ සැලසුම් සහ පූජනීයත්වය

SwitchTV Presents: ReNew
3 Days
Scripture was originally designed to be a communal experience and that's the intention of this plan. "Re:New" uses Biblica's newest Bible translation called "The Books of the Bible"with the hope of offering a fresh and renewed experience with scripture. These videos offer observations on Colossians 1 by walking through 3 very basic questions.

Marketing the Jesus Way
3 Days
Do you want your business to be successful? If so, you should spend most of your time marketing your business. The purpose of marketing is to attract people to your business, convert those people into paying customers, and keep customers coming back to buy more. To teach you how to market your business, this three-day devotional gives biblical examples of Jesus using these three marketing principles in His calling.

Designed to Heal
3 Days
What do you believe about healing? How and who did Jesus heal? Does He care just as much about me as He did those that He healed in the Bible? In this 3-day devotional, you’ll explore Scriptures that show how Jesus healed, who He healed, and how He sees us today.

Like the Apostles Matthew and James, Sons of Alphaeus
3 Days
Matthew, the former tax collector turned devoted disciple, and James the Less, the brother of Matthew, are both chosen as apostles by Jesus Christ. Matthew's story reminds us that no one is beyond the reach of Christ's transformative grace. His swift response to Jesus' call is an inspiration for us to follow Christ immediately when He calls us to a higher purpose.

Bible Study 1: Mentorship Like Jesus
3 Days
This 3-day devotional invites you to discover the impact of mentorship through the lens of Jesus’ life. Learn how Jesus chose his disciples, guiding them with purpose and modeling relational mentoring as part of his ministry. Dive deep into how Jesus’ example can inspire you to mentor others. Visit to access a free mentoring toolkit.

BibleProject | God's Heart for Justice
4 Days
This reading plan will lead you through a brief overview of justice in the Bible, examining what justice is, as well as why and how followers of Jesus should pursue justice today.

Scriptures For Faith, Deliverance, And Healing
5 Days
Through these powerful daily readings you will uncover the key to spiritual healing and reach a deeper understanding of deliverance to incorporate God's Word into your daily prayers. This devotional is based on Scriptures for Faith, Deliverance, and Healing.

Called To Influence
5 Days
Have you ever considered that God’s missional plan for you most likely sits in your everyday life, which includes the many hours spent at work? Only a small percentage of Christians are called to full time church ministry but we are all instructed to ‘go and make disciples’. Wherever God has positioned you, this is where you are called to influence. You may ask, “Who am I to influence?” and “How do I do this in practice?” Let’s explore these questions together over the next 5 days.

Should Christians Attend Church?
5 Days
“Christians don’t need church. All we need is Jesus.” Have you ever heard that? There is some merit to this statement. After all, church attendance doesn’t save us. Only a real relationship with Jesus does that. However, is attending church necessary for Christians to walk out their faith? These five points dive deeper into this issue, and as odd as it sounds, they don’t all agree at surface level.

Love Your Neighbor: Outreach, One Step at a Time
5 Days
Reaching out to your neighbors can be a counterintuitive thing to do. Most people who consider themselves Christians do not even think about stepping outside their ordinary responsibilities to follow the quiet nudges of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and He wants to show you the way—one small step at a time.

Real Hope: Back to Basics - God's Kingdom
5 Days
Part five of the ‘Back to Basics’ series. The kingdom of God. A phrase that we use so often in Christianity but a phrase that can be so obscure and confusing when we think about it. What is the kingdom of God? Through this devotional plan, we’ll be taking a closer look at the kingdom of God and what it means.

Blessed: 5 Days With the Sermon on the Mount
5 Days
What would it have been like to follow Jesus up the Galilean hillside and sit and listen to His most famous sermon? What are the things He would want us to hear and remember? In this plan, author Kelly Minter walks us through five days with Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount.

Mountains: Find Hope and Vision in God’s Presence
5 Days
Mountains are one of God’s favorite places to meet with his people. From the Mount of Creation in Genesis 1 to the Mount of the Great Commission in Matthew 28, mountains regularly serve as holy ground for connecting with God. During this plan, Bible teacher and author Kat Armstrong guides readers through five mountaintop Bible stories. Watch as God reveals His character and invites His children to enjoy His presence.

Jesus Chooses Who?—Disciple Makers Series #3
6 Days
Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is the 3rd of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew. We begin the ministry of Jesus and then we listen to Him explain the initial rules of the Kingdom of God.

Explore Israel: A Biblical Tour of the Holy Land
6 Days
The land of the Bible teaches us so much about the context of our faith. Israel holds the mysteries of centuries of biblical history. From Abraham, to the Exodus, to the Judges and Kings, to the Messiah born in a stable, this land is the setting. Join us as we travel through six regions of the country to discover the ancient history and biblical significance.

What Jesus Said About Following Him
6 Days
The first thing that Jesus did when He came to the disciples was to call them to follow Him. And He added: to make fishers of men. In the same way, Jesus is calling us to follow Him and make fishers of men. Many think only about salvation when Jesus calls them. No, He calls us to repentance and to be fishers of men. It is one concept.

How to Be a Redemptive Change Agent
6 Days
A short six-day devotional plan to introduce the concept of Redemptive Change, co-written by Drs. Kevin Cooney and Robert Osburn. -- For those that want to learn more in depth about redemptive change, Developing Redemptive Change Agents by Dr. Robert Osburn is available on Amazon.

Deeper Into Scripture: Matthew
7 Days
Deeper into Scripture is a methodology of scripture reading that instructs, encourages and equips people to read God’s Word daily and deeply. We have created a unique four-fold method of bible reading that directs the individual to read a short passage of scripture four times. Each reading is done with a different question, instruction or objective to be considered. This repetitive reading and instruction takes us deeply into the Word of God and draws us closer to Him.

Come, Let's Go! Discipleship in Evangelism
7 days
Three times in I Samuel, Jonathan said to his young armor bearer, "Come, Let's Go!" Three times in Revelation 22 Jesus said, "I'm coming soon!" It's been more than 2,000 years since Jesus made this promise. Jesus gave the church a simple job to do. It's called the Great Commission. So church, why hasn't Jesus COME back yet? We need discipleship in evangelism! COME, LET'S GO!

Upsidedown Kingdom - A 7 Day Plan From The Sermon On The Mount
7 days
In the world that we live in, things are not as they should be. One might even say they are upside down. However, the good news is that Jesus came to turn this world right side up. What if our eyes were opened to the REALITY that the Kingdom of Heaven is in fact here?

My Comfort Is Jesus
7 Days
Jesus is more than a role model or powerful historical figure. He is our hope and our joy. Our rock and our crown. In this plan, best-selling author Ray Comfort shares devotions from My Comfort Is Jesus to help you commit your day to the light of the world.

Gracious Jesus -1: Presenting the King
7 Days
This series – “Gracious Jesus” is a deep dive into the life and teachings of Jesus from the gospels. Historical context is brought in to enrich and bring a more accurate dimension of the context of Jesus’ life. Most importantly, if we are receptive to the Spirit, He opens our spiritual eyes to see God, the world around and ourselves with completely new perspectives.

BibleProject | What Gives You Hope?
7 Days
BibleProject designed this plan to help individuals and groups reflect on the theme of hope. What is the difference between optimism and real, living hope? We explore biblical words for “hope” and trace hope-filled themes such as resurrection, the Gospel of God’s Kingdom, the Holy Spirit, and the rejoining of Heaven and Earth.

One Year Pray for the Family Reading Plan
7 Days
The One Year Pray for the Family Bible invites us to deepen our relationships with God and the families he has given us. Daily prayer prompts focus on some of the most pressing issues facing families today. Each day’s Scripture reading helps us discover answers and guidance in God’s Word. This is a one week reading plan taken from the One Year Pray for the Family Bible.

Healing in Jesus' Name – Through Your Hands
7 Days
Have you ever wondered: Can God use me to bring healing to others? Jesus healed multitudes and empowered his disciples to heal while preaching the Gospel. Is it still our task to pray for the sick? This Bible Reading Plan will teach you how to biblically pray for others for healing and become Jesus’ hands and feet to a hurting, lost world.