John 11:17 සම්බන්ධව නිදහස් කියවීමේ සැලසුම් සහ පූජනීයත්වය

Breakthrough To Your Miracle
3 Days
God is still in the miracle-working business today. As believers, our responsibility is to position ourselves to receive the work He wants to do in each of our lives.

Counseled - Facilitating Change
3 Days
Counseling skills are a part of leadership skills. The good news is that both these skills can be learnt and cultivated. The tough news is that they will require intentional and consistent practice on your part. But when you get a hang of them, they give out spectacular and meaningful results.

Miracle Breakthrough
3 Days
Let’s learn the secrets to your miracle breakthrough! Jesus knows what He’s doing when it comes to miracles, but do you? Join me for the next few days as we talk about the story of Lazarus, but look at a few things you probably haven’t ever noticed.

The Most Powerful Words On Earth
3 Days
In this practical and powerful three-day devotional, you will learn how to believe God's promises and see them come to pass in your life through the power of being thankful for what He has already done for you. You will also learn how to experience three specific blessings that are released in your life when you practice thankfulness and gratitude.

God Said, Live!
3 Days
For some of us, waiting can be painful. Maybe you are nearly at a point of losing hope but wait...Is it really the end or is it a new beginning? You may look at it as a dead-end but it can be a different story when God Said, LIVE!

The Boundaries Of Jesus
3 Days
We often struggle setting boundaries for our emotional health. We might perceive them as too mean, too aggressive, or not living like Jesus. Yet Jesus practiced boundaries in his time on Earth. In this 3-Day Bible Plan, we’ll explore what loving boundaries look like through the lens of Jesus, so we can set loving boundaries as well.

Hope for Caregivers: Three Ways Christ Carries Your Grief
3 Days
One of the hardest parts of caring for someone you love or praying for their healing is when you feel like God has stopped answering your prayers. Why does the One who said he would be near in the valley of the shadow of death feel like he’s staying far away?

It's Ok to Be Disappointed, but Don’t Stay There, Overcome!
3 Days
Disappointment, in one way or another, happens to us all. How we process the disappoint determines if it will be the foundation for God to do a miracle or if it will be an anchor that weighs us down.

Lazarus, Come Forth Out of the Tomb
4 Days
During this devotional we will take a look at the account of Lazarus and learn how his resurrection can apply to your spiritual walk, so you can understand that God has made you free. At times our fears and insecurities don’t permit us to. Nevertheless, we invite you to be open to the loving touch of the Holy Spirit, that is able to revive any dead area in your life.

What About Suffering?
4 Days
Where is God when tyrants murder the people they’re supposed to protect? Where is God when people we love are ravaged by sickness and death? Join us in this four-day plan as we explore what God is doing about suffering and why it seems to be taking Him so long.

Are You a Mary or Martha?
4 Days
Are you a Mary or a Martha? There are a lot of different types of women in the world, but most of us relate to one of these sisters more than the other. Find out which sister you are more like and how you can use that knowledge to love others better. Plus, learn about the unique love Jesus has for you.

The Alabaster Jar
5 Days
A life poured out. We see an example of this in Mary who anointed Jesus (John 12:1-8). In these next 5 days, let us do as Mary did and smash the alabaster jar, so we may be overcome by the fragrance of Jesus.

Finding Jesus: A Five Day Devotional
5 Days
You can tell a lot about a person by their friends. In this devotional inspired by the hit CNN series “Finding Jesus,” discover Jesus through the lens of those closest to Him – His friends.

Sneezing Jesus: How God Redeems Our Humanity
5 Days
Sneezing Jesus leads you through the often-overlooked humanity of Jesus found in the Gospels. As an image bearer of God, discover how Jesus modeled what true humanity can (and must) look like for each of us.

Alive In Christ
5 Days
One of the most profound miracles recorded in the Bible is when Jesus raises Lazarus from death. This story is rich in symbolism and shows both the humanity and divinity of Christ. Jesus knew Lazarus and his family intimately—they were His dear friends. In this story, each of these individuals is experiencing death. Lazarus was dead physically, while Martha and Mary were grieving the loss of their brother and experiencing the death of hope and expectation. Jesus meets each of them personally and displays His resurrection power in every area of their lives. Join me in this five-day plan and let’s see how the resurrection power of Christ can make us alive to new life in Him.

Lazarus Come Forth
5 Days
Mary and Martha thought Jesus was too late and couldn't save Lazarus from the grave, but our savior had different plans. Join Uncommen in journeying through this well-known passage in-depth and see how Jesus is still calling us to come forth today for His name.

5 days
Our lives seem so ordinary, too mundane to matter. On top of that, we’re aware of our own frailty, failure, and the fallenness of the world. In this 5-day devotional, Pastor Glenn Packiam invites us to find glory in the ordinary, grace in the mess, and purpose each day. Like the ordinary bread that Jesus took in His hands, our lives can become blessed, broken, and given for the world.

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–13–The Miracles Of Jesus
5 Days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Continue with the fourteenth part "The Miracles of Jesus." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

Jesus' Miracles Are Meant for Me
5 Days
This video plan looks at some of Jesus' most famous miracles and helps you think about what these miracles mean for you.

All About Heaven - Grief
5 Days
Death affects us all but how do we cope when we lose a loved one? This plan provides hope and comfort in the midst of grief.

«Here’s How I’m Feeling, God...»
5 Days
The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting our world and our lives in ways we could not have imagined. As coaches and athletes, we’re likely experiencing a variety of emotions as we walk through this season. The following devotions give us a chance to honestly consider our emotions and what God is saying to us in this unprecedented time.

Grieving With Hope
5 Days
Grief is a human experience and no one is immune to it. We grieve when we lose someone or a dream dies. It can strike at any point and is often when we least expect it. We’ll dive into understanding grief and learn how to process the different kinds we’ll go through. Join in on the 5-day Plan so that you can get through your grief in a healthy way.

Showing Empathy
5 Days
Empathy allows us to perceive the needs of others, and bring hope and relief into their lives. Often, we can struggle with how to display empathy. Fortunately, we have a great example: in this Plan. We’ll look at what the Bible has to say about empathy, and how we can grow in ours in order to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Gladness for Mourning: Hope in the Midst of Loss
5 Days
Remember when we were unmasked, could hug our loved ones and were able to travel freely? All of us have lost a way of life that we’re not sure we’ll ever fully get back. In this 5-day devotional, discover how Jesus can bring newness of life—even to your greatest losses.

Real Hope: Jesus the Unexpected
5 Days
Jesus, our loving King. The long-awaited Saviour of the world. Prophesied for centuries. Expected and anticipated by generations. However, although He was expected, His life was anything but what people thought it would look like. In this plan, together, let's marvel and reflect on the unexpected life of our gracious King who saved not only you and me, but the world!