1 Peter 3:17 සම්බන්ධව නිදහස් කියවීමේ සැලසුම් සහ පූජනීයත්වය

From Spark To Flame
3 Days
How would you describe your faith journey? Is it a well-established fire? Is it warming? Comforting? Does it push away darkness? Or is merely a spark? Not quite yet a flame? Hardly casting a shadow. These guided audio meditations will help recognize a spark from an encounter with God. And watch the spark turn to flame. Pushing out fear and darkness.

An Offer Of Peace
3 Days
For many, stress is an accepted part of daily life. Is it yours? These guided audio meditations will hopefully be a counter to the stress of the world by becoming a calm place of hope in the presence of God, be a reminder of God’s offer of peace, and provide the courage to remove your mask and ask for help...

Faith Conversations
3 Days
Are you ready to talk to your friends about Jesus? This three day plan offers encouragement to be ready to face rejection, to be ready to listen and respond with wisdom, and to be empowered by the Holy Spirit as we seek to point those around us to Jesus.

Coincidence or for a Purpose?
4 Days
A coincidence is an accident. It’s randomly finding a $20 bill on a sidewalk because you decided to begin your New Year’s resolution on that beautiful July morning. The good news is that God’s plan, including those He uses within it, is not filled with accidents, randomness, or coincidences. This 4-day plan will show how everyone despite their failures can find purpose when surrendered to the plan of God.

Fine Print
4 Days
As Christians, we need a sober and biblically-based expectation of life. Life is to be enjoyed, but it will not always be enjoyable! Jesus prepared his disciples thoroughly for trials and testing, suffering and persecution. Our God is faithful and comforts us in every trial, so we invite you to come with us in this devotional as we learn to navigate the valleys of life in faith.

5 Days
This Life.Church Bible Plan is a study of 1 Peter to accompany Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Different. In this world, you’ll have struggles. You’ll face opposition. You’ll be challenged. And there’s a reason for that: this world is not your home. So answer hate with love, find joy in the midst of trials, and rely on a strength beyond yourself. You’re meant to be … different .

Sharing Jesus
5 Days
The calling of every Christian is to share the life changing message of Jesus. This 5-day plan offers practical guidance on how you can follow this calling every day and see Jesus impact the lives of those around you who need to know him.

Living Life On Mission
5 Days
What does a life on mission look like? Explore the possibilities and adventure of what a life surrendered to Jesus and following the Holy Spirit looks like. This mission, should you choose to accept it, will change the way you live. It’s purposeful and full of life. It means understanding and living out the personal call that God has for you.

Rise Up & Stand Firm—A Study of 1 Peter (Part 1)
5 Days
No matter what trials come our way, we can rise up and stand firm in our faith. In fact, this 4-part Bible Plan from Pastor Amy Groeschel is designed to help you grow in your knowledge of God, expand your love for Him, and give you the courage to live out the truth of Scripture in every season—especially the heavy ones.

Rise Up & Stand Firm—A Study of 1 Peter (Part 3)
5 Days
No matter what trials come our way, we can rise up and stand firm in our faith. In fact, part three of this 4-part Bible Plan from Pastor Amy Groeschel is designed to help you grow in your knowledge of God, expand your love for Him, and give you the courage to live out the truth of Scripture in every season—especially the heavy ones.

Chasing Failure
5 Days
This reading plan includes five daily devotions based on Ryan Leak’s book "Chasing Failure: How Falling Short Sets You Up for Success." This study will explore how overcoming our fear of failure frees us to pursue the dreams that God calls us to pursue.

The Cost of Following Christ
5 Days
The truth of the matter is that we all are called to forsake all and to pick up our cross and follow Christ. That is the Christian life. The readings this week help us reflect on the cost of following Christ. The goal is instead to shift our attention heavenward and to cultivate a heart that can see God’s big picture.

Living Hope: A Study in 1 Peter
5 Days
1 Peter was written to the “elect exiles of the Dispersion” (1 Peter 1:1), a group of believers forced to flee their homes and lives due to persecution. Although they lost much, Peter reminds his readers that they have “an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading” (1 Peter 1:4). Truly, Jesus is our Living Hope, transcending all our difficulties to provide hope and courage amid opposition.

This Little Light of Mine (At Work)
5 Days
It isn't always easy to bring your Christian faith into your secular workplace. This plan will provide Biblical encouragement and challenge you to look for opportunities to illuminate the gospel message at work.

Set Apart | Midyear Prayer, Fasting, and Consecration (English)
5 Days
At the start and middle of every year, we come together to pray and fast to know God more. He has called us to be set apart for Him. This encompasses everything we do and is demonstrated in how we honor Him and make disciples in our campuses, communities, and every nation. Together, let’s reflect on and live out a life of holiness centered on Jesus Christ.

Dialed In: Reaching Your Full Capacity as a Man of God
5 Days
God made men to live at their highest level, both spiritually and physically—to carry the full weight of the masculine soul. These devotionals show men how to dial in to five key qualities of a Christ-following man.

Acts 11:1-18 | the Church Will Criticize You. Don't Criticize It.
5 Days
In Acts we see the apostles criticized and persecuted from outside the church. But what happens when it comes from within? This 5-day plan continues a journey through the book of Acts, the Bible’s gripping sequel of Jesus at work in the life of his followers as he expands his kingdom to the ends of the earth. It’s a journey on what it means to be a Christian. It’s a story in which you have a role to play.

Jesus, I Need You Part 8
6 Days
Be the light to the world Jesus intended you to be! This is part eight of eight in the "Jesus, I Need You" series by Thistlebend Ministries, focusing on drawing closer to Jesus. The plans in this series can be done in any order. See also "Jesus, I Need You" (companion prayer).

Olympic Inspiration
6 Days
Kelly Clark is a five-time Olympian and gold medalist. She is one of the world's most decorated female snowboarders. A comment from a competitor started her on a faith journey. Looking back, she says, "God had it all planned out, and I was along for the ride." This six-day devotional takes you into her story and the way God worked. It'll inspire your journey with our personal God.

LifeConnect Devotionals by Wayne Cordeiro
7 Days
Grow deeper and stronger in your spiritual life with this 7-day devotional offering SOAP Articles from the NIV LifeConnect Bible - Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer. Author Wayne Cordeiro offers insights and thoughts drawn from his own use of this Bible study method in his spiritual journey.

Stand With God
7 Days
This study dives into the tough concepts of what it really looks like to stand with God in our everyday lives. Inspiring and encouraging, this study uses clips from God’s Not Dead 2 to help the reader grasp situations that God could call us to step up in. Every day in life you must ask yourself the question, “Where will you stand?”

Becoming An Extraordinary Leader
7 Days
We all long to be great leaders, but what does it really take to be an extraordinary, God-honoring leader? Rooted in the Great Commandment is a model for leadership that cultivates a life of ever-increasing influence, but it requires our whole selves – heart, soul, mind and strength. Join us for a 7-day devotional to gain greater understanding of leading from our God-given best.

Dos and Don'ts: A One-Week Plan to Help Your Marriage
7 Days
When your marriage is in a fragile state, there have been many misunderstandings, you are hurting and feel all alone, sometimes a little practical help can make a big difference. These 5 dos and don'ts may surprise you, but they are tried and true ways to find comfort, strength, and healing as you trust in the Lord to re-establish oneness and intimacy in your marriage.

Forgiveness: The Freedom of the Gospel
7 Days
Any way you cut the Gospel, it bleeds forgiveness. Yet, even the most seasoned Christian can struggle to extend forgiveness to those that have deeply wounded them. Dr. Bruce Hebel invites you on a seven-day journey to discover what God has to say about experiencing the freedom of the Gospel through forgiveness and show you how to apply the blood of Jesus as payment in full for every wound.

Finding Jesus in Grief: Hope After Infant Loss and Miscarriage
7 Days
Miscarriage and infant loss create deep grief and can challenge even the strongest faith. In the midst of loss, writer Rachel Lohman takes us to the garden of Gethsemane to meet the Jesus who shares our grief, betrayal, and loneliness and offers lasting hope and comfort.